As Governor Stitt said yesterday, he’s proud Oklahomans are taking the CDC recommendations seriously and doing a great job trying to flatten the curve.


Watch Governor Stitt’s Interview About Oklahoma’s Response to COVID-19 By Clicking Here


Today, Governor Stitt announced that the Oklahoma Department of Health has entered into a public-private partnership with Diagnostic Labs of Oklahoma (DLO) that will allow for increased capacity to deliver results for COVID-19 test kits.

  • More than 2,600 test kits are available today in Oklahoma, and this new partnership will expand the State’s ability to deliver results. 
  • Oklahomans are encouraged to contact their health care provider or call 2-1-1 if experiencing COVID-19 symptoms. Health care providers will determine if an individual is in need of being tested for COVID-19.  



Here are a few of the most recent actions Governor Stitt has taken in the last 24 hours to help Oklahomans deal with the coronavirus outbreak.  

  • Governor Kevin Stitt announced Thursday the Oklahoma Tax Commission approved an order to allow all individual and other non-corporate tax filers to defer up to $1 million of state income tax (including self-employment tax) payments due on April 15 until July 15 without penalties or interest. 
  • Oklahoma Department of Human Services (OKDHS) has revised guidance for childcare facilities. OKDHS strongly encourages child care facilities to remain open as they provide a critical service for first responders and health care professionals. Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) issued stronger guidance for investigating and cleaning a child care facility where an employee or child has tested positive for COVID-19. The guidance can be read here. 
  • The Oklahoma State Department for Health (OSDH) announced a new interim State Epidemiologist in an effort to expand experts during this critical time for the State and the nation with the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr. Aaron Wendelboe brings a robust resume having previously served in a senior role at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and having received his PhD in epidemiology from the University of North Carolina.
  • Resource list for Oklahomans has been updated at
  • Oklahomans can now call 211 to reach the Oklahoma State Health Department COVID-19 hotline 24 hours a day.
  • Election Board declared an election emergency for elections that were to be held on April 7 in 74 counties. More details are available here

Even if you are not experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, it is strongly encouraged that everyone continue to stay home, observe social distancing, and practice sanitation guidelines to avoid spread to vulnerable populations.


For accurate information and updates as this evolves, please visit the Oklahoma State Department of Health website at For questions, please call the OSDH Coronavirus Call Center at 1-877-215-8336.

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Authorized and Paid for by Stitt for Governor 2018
