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On Tuesday, August 13, airline catering workers at DFW Airport will be launching the biggest labor action of the last decade in North Texas. Through their union, UNITE HERE Local 23 ([link removed]) , workers at Sky Chefs are demanding liveable wages ([link removed]) and insurance they can actually afford. All that stands in their way is DFW-based American Airlines, a company that made over $245 million in profit in just the first quarter of this year, and effectively sets the wages at airline catering contractors ([link removed]) . Workers in the Sky Chefs kitchen are stuck making an average of $10.85/hour and forced to pay over $100/week for family health care coverage. They have voted to authorize a strike against the company
([link removed]) , but the federal government is preventing them from doing so legally -- so public support for their rally next week is incredibly important to sending this message to American Airlines.
As socialists, we believe that working class people need to take collective action against the bosses and plutocrats in order to build a better world for everyone. That's why DSA North Texas ([link removed]) fully supports the 800+ Sky Chefs workers at DFW who will be rallying Tuesday at 8AM near the new American Airlines headquarters in Euless. Sign up here ([link removed]) , if you can join us for the big rally: [link removed]
WHAT: Sky Chefs workers protest low wages
WHEN: Tuesday, August 13 at 8AM
WHERE: 3830 Post Oak Blvd, Euless
Facebook event linked here ([link removed])
If you'd like transportation from Old East Dallas (CWA union hall), you can sign up on the form to guarantee a spot. ([link removed]) There will also be a smaller rally at DFW Airport Terminal D, from 4-7PM -- just look for the red shirts outside on the upper level.
If you have any questions about the event, e-mail
[email protected] (mailto:
[email protected]) or message the Dallas Jobs with Justice Facebook page ([link removed]) .
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