January 19, 2024

Fireside Sessions

Voting Against Extending FY23 Spending Levels

Today’s extension of government funding at Fiscal Year 2023 spending levels, represents another missed opportunity to address the pressing issues facing our nation. While this stopgap ensures the federal government remains operational until early March, it fails to tackle the critical challenges at the forefront of American concerns, including the crisis at our southern border and our escalating national debt.

ImageThe extension, which I voted against, only temporarily funds the government until March 1 and March 8, maintaining previous spending levels with only minor cuts. These reductions, while a step towards fiscal responsibility, are insufficient in addressing the larger issue of our nation's financial health. The national debt now exceeds $34 trillion, and this Senate Amendment, despite its $16 billion in cuts, falls short of the robust action needed to confront this fiscal crisis.

Moreover, it neglects the significant national security threat posed by the unaddressed challenges at our southern border. The massive influx of illegal crossings and the strain on our border patrol and immigration systems continue to be overlooked in these temporary funding measures. By failing to secure substantial policy changes, Congress, particularly House and Senate Democrats, is neglecting the safety of American communities and the rule of law.

I am committed to advocating for solutions that address our porous southern border and looming national debt as these are the largest crises our country faces today. I am committed to ensuring the safety and security of our nation, which includes a strong and secure border. I will persist in pushing for policy reforms that reinforce federal border infrastructure and discourage the exploitation of our asylum and parole systems. It is time for Congress to move beyond stopgap measures and deliver substantive solutions that truly serve the best interests of our nation and its citizens.

America’s Future Series: National Security Symposium

On Thursday, I had the privilege of addressing the importance of national defense at the America's Future Series National Security Symposium. I am committed to enhancing our military's capabilities through innovation, particularly in cyber and space domains.

Captain Florent Groberg– Medal of Honor Repient
In an ever-changing geopolitical landscape, our focus is on fostering a culture of innovation by leveraging the potential of private sector partners and research institutions, which is crucial for maintaining our competitive edge. Public-private partnerships are key to accelerating the development of vital technologies, ensuring operational efficiency, and cost-effectiveness.

We're also focused on strengthening supply chain resilience to protect our national security. This requires investing in domestic manufacturing and diversifying supply sources. Our resolve is to advance technology and collaboration to safeguard our nation’s defense capabilities and security.

In the News


KXXV: Baylor University teams up with Dept. of Defense for SMART Hub

Waco Tribune-Herald: Baylor professor leads team to solve cluttered communication spectrum

Pete Sessions
Member of Congress

