Jason Crow For Congress

Jason's Political Director, Nate

Hi team,

Can I have a minute of your Thursday to introduce myself? My name is Nate, and I am excited to join Team Crow as Jason’s Political Director.

I was born and raised in Centennial - right here in Jason’s district! After going to school at CU Boulder (Sko Buffs!), I got my start as a field organizer for the Colorado Democratic Party in 2022. That meant a lot of long days knocking on doors, talking with voters, and getting folks to the polls.

I wouldn’t change that experience for the world. Thanks to that work (and thousands of volunteers across the state), Colorado Democrats defied the odds to have one of the best midterms in modern history — reelecting Senator Bennet, Governor Polis, and Jason in the House of Representatives.

Headline: Colorado Democrats' string of sweeps stands alone in state history.

Since then, I’ve been proud to continue fighting to elect local Democrat candidates up and down Colorado — which has led me to your inbox today!

This month, I officially joined as Rep. Crow’s Political Director. I joined this campaign because it’s critical we have servant leadership in Congress.

Jason exemplifies that. His service in Iraq and Afghanistan. His work to get veterans their hard-earned benefits. His fight to stand up for our democracy in the Trump impeachment trials.

I am damn proud of the work Congressman Crow has brought to Colorado, and I’m ready to do everything I can to reelect him — especially now that a MAGA Republican recently jumped in the race.

There are only 5 months left until the Colorado primary. I’ll be working to help create our budget, recruit volunteers — and most importantly, get as many Democrats to the polls as possible.

As you can guess, all of that takes resources — which is why I have to ask:

Will you pitch in $6 to help our team keep CO-06 — and Colorado — blue?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

I’ll share more updates as I have them. Thanks so much for being on Team Crow!

— Nate


Now more than ever, we need strong leaders like Jason working for us in Congress. Jason is fighting for you, your family, and the American people in Congress — and he's not taking a dime of corporate PAC money. Will you pitch in now to help him continue working for us?