Congress must act now to bring relief to people impacted by this pandemic.


This week, Congress passed emergency legislation to address the coronavirus pandemic. But one thing’s for sure — we have to do more.

That's why right now, Kamala is laying out five priorities that she’s fighting for in the next legislative package:

  1. Direct, monthly cash assistance and consumer protection
  2. No interest loans for small businesses & more protections for families
  3. Expanding public assistance, including food stamps and unemployment
  4. No ICE raids that endanger public health
  5. Fair treatment for tribes and territories

We cannot ignore the strain that emergency situations like this are putting on Americans and their families.

Congress must act now to bring relief to people impacted by this pandemic, and we can and should do all five of these things to help Americans during this crisis.

If you agree, will you add your name and join Kamala to call on Congress to pass another legislative package that will address these issues?


Americans of all walks of life need relief in the face of this pandemic, and they are looking to Congress for help.

We need our leaders to step up and take bold action that will help every American impacted by this virus.

So take a moment to sign on today and let Congress know where you stand.

Thank you in advance for signing on,

Team Kamala