“So long as I do not firmly and irrevocably possess the right to vote, I do not possess myself.”
"So long as I do not firmly and irrevocably possess the right to vote, I do not possess myself."

In 1957, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. proclaimed these words on the Lincoln Memorial in his “Give Us The Ballot” speech, calling the right to vote one of “the highest mandates of our democratic tradition.”

We need Dr. King’s words now as much as we did at the moment they were spoken. Not since the era of Jim Crow has our nation’s highest ideal — equal access to the ballot box — been under as much threat as it is today.

To honor Dr. King's life's work, we must actively uphold the fight for voting rights. Join me by adding your name to the petition, urging Congress to take immediate action to protect our fundamental right to vote in every state, county, and zip code.
  Last year, a near-record number of new voter suppression laws were introduced in state legislatures nationwide that make it harder – especially for people of color – to vote. This year, the Voting Rights Act will face multiple court cases aimed at chipping away our nation’s strongest voter protection law.

These sweeping attacks are coming at a time when the MAGA base and the far-right have become more extreme, doubling down on the Big Lie and using lies of election fraud to advance restrictive voting measures.

Attacks on voting rights are an attack on our nation’s ideal of an equal, free, and fair democracy. At a time like this, inaction is not an option.

Join me in calling on Congress to act swiftly to protect our right to vote and fulfill Dr. King’s vision for a free and democratic society.

Thank you,




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Paid for by DelBene for Congress

DelBene for Congress
PO Box 477
Kirkland, WA 98083
United States

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