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Urgent Appeal to Support South Africa's Application to the International Court of Justice Against Israel

Dear Email,

In a courageous and unprecedented move, South Africa instituted proceedings against Israel on December 29, 2023, in the International Court of Justice (ICJ), charging Israel with committing genocide against the Palestinians as defined by the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. This critical action is a vital step forward to hold Israel accountable for its systematic violations of Palestinian rights, particularly in the Gaza Strip.

Your Action Is Crucial: The United States and Israel want to suppress this unprecedented proceeding before the ICJ. As a supporter of AJP Action and Palestinian Lives, your voice can make a profound impact. TAKE ACTION BELOW. 

Why This Matters: South Africa’s application, which is to be discussed by the ICJ this Thursday and Friday, represents a significant step towards justice and accountability toward Israel for its grievous campaign against the Palestinian people in Gaza. The ICJ is the United Nation’s highest court, and within its jurisdiction, it has the legal authority to order Israel to suspend its military operations in and against Gaza immediately.

The Biden Administration's Response: In response to this judicial proceeding, Secretary Antony Blinken responded to reporters saying that the allegations against Israel are “meritless” and that the court proceedings “distract the world.” Moreover, the comments were echoed by White House national security spokesperson John Kirby, who said, “We [the Biden Administration] find this submission meritless, counterproductive and completely without any basis in fact, whatsoever.” This stark contrast exposes the glaring hypocrisy within the Biden administration, as it championed an ICJ ruling condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and President Biden's accusations of Putin committing genocide, underscoring a troubling implication that Ukrainian lives are deemed more valuable than Palestinian lives.

Here are two things you can do today:

1. Call the White House: Ask President Biden to call for a #ceacefirenow and stop supporting Israeli Genocide - remind him that his administration is complicit in committing horrific crimes against humanity with U.S. enablement. Call: 202-456-1111

Here's a sample script: "President Biden must call for a ceasefire now instead of sending Israel more weapons. My name is xx, and I am a US citizen/resident. Now that the ICJ is looking into the genocide Israel is committing in Gaza, the Biden Administration must make a choice: support genocide at the risk of getting implicated in the ICJ legal proceedings, or prioritize US interests and principles and call for a ceasefire." 

2. Contact representatives of foreign countries and encourage them to join South Africa in its application to the ICJ. Your call can influence these nations to take a stand against the ongoing atrocities in Gaza.

Use THIS directory to find contact information for foreign embassies and representatives in the US. Politely but firmly ask them to support South Africa's application at the ICJ.

Here's a sample script: "I am calling to urge your country to join South Africa's application at the International Court of Justice against Israeli genocide. You can do so by filing what is called a Declaration of Intervention. I am a US citizen, and I am appalled by my government's actions supporting the genocide Israel is committing in Gaza. Please take a stand and support the Palestinian people by joining South Africa in its quest for justice and accountability," 

Take Action Now and urge your loved ones to do the same. Your advocacy is vital in this pivotal moment. Let's stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people and support South Africa's groundbreaking initiative at the ICJ.

Time is of the Essence: With the ICJ hearing fast approaching, we must act swiftly. Each voice raised in support of South Africa's brave step is a step closer to ending the cycle of violence and impunity. The atrocities in Gaza and the ongoing violations of human rights demand our immediate and unwavering attention. This is more than a political issue; it tests our humanity and our commitment to justice.

Thank you for your commitment to justice and peace.


Americans for Justice in Palestine Action (AJP Action)

Americans for Justice in Palestine Action (AJP Action), an affiliate of American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization lobbying for legislation that supports the human rights of the Palestinian people.


Americans for Justice in Palestine Action
6404 Seven Corners PlaceSte N
Falls Church, Virginia 22044
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