I’m running for re-election in Colorado’s 6th district.

Jason Crow For Congress

Jason Crow for Congress

Hi team,

It’s Jason Crow. As one of my top supporters, I wanted you to be the first to know: I’m running for re-election in Colorado’s 6th district.

I am so proud of our work to defend democracy, fight extremism, and protect women’s reproductive rights — but our fight is just beginning. Our country has a big decision to make in November: Will we choose to let our worst instincts dictate our decisions, or will we lead by example by being a beacon of hope and optimism?

You know my answer. I’ve always gone where the fight is, and I’m ready to continue bringing servant leadership to the halls of power.

One of the most important ways to show early support is by endorsing our campaign from Day One.

So, will you be a Day One Endorser to my campaign for Congress?


Even before serving in Congress, my career has been grounded in the spirit of servant leadership.

I served three combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. Even as I rose up the ranks to be Captain, I never forgot what it was like to walk in the boots of a Private.

We looked out for each other. Every single day.

That’s the spirit I’m working to bring to Congress. We need leaders willing to step above politics, find common ground, and take action on the hard issues. That work continues.

If you’re all in, I hope you’ll become a Day One Endorser of my campaign today.


I made a promise to you in my first victory speech: As long as I have the honor of serving you, I will be there for you. No matter what.

I will continue to fight for our shared priorities including protecting our democracy, passing gun safety legislation, addressing the climate crisis, and codifying the right to an abortion.

Thank you for trusting me with your support. Now let’s continue our work, together.

— Jason Crow


Now more than ever, we need strong leaders like Jason working for us in Congress. Jason is fighting for you, your family, and the American people in Congress — and he's not taking a dime of corporate PAC money. Will you pitch in now to help him continue working for us?