Dear John,

I want to send a heartfelt thank you for your support of our campaign to elect an Attorney General who fights for Montanans again. 

This past fundraising quarter we had a tremendous outpouring of support. We exceeded our goal and I am humbled and tremendously grateful for your support. 

We’re building an inclusive statewide campaign that can win in November.

Just like the recent elections of Jon Tester and Steve Bullock, it’s going to take grassroots support from people like you and friends all across Montana to win this fall. It won't be easy. But we know how to win in Montana, and our campaign will never stop fighting for you.

Right now, the biggest fight on our hands is stopping the spread of COVID-19. 

I want to assure you that the Governor, working closely with public health and emergency management professionals, is deeply committed to a whole government effort to slow the spread of new infections. 

These are unprecedented times, but I can tell you this: watching his work behind the scenes, I am profoundly grateful that we elected Steve Bullock as our Governor. I trust him, and am grateful for his decisive actions taken to stop the spread of COVID-19. 

Here are recent updates you need to know:
  • Governor Bullock made COVID-19 testing free for any Montanan without insurance as well as treatment if they are confirmed positive for COVID-19. To access these new emergency services, please call (406)-444-7605 or email: [email protected]
  • The Governor has made Unemployment Insurance benefits available to all workers who are sick, quarantined, or laid-off due to the COVID-19 outbreak. If you, or someone you know is unemployed due to impacts from the COVID-19 virus, please have them call (406) 444-2544 or visit to start the process for unemployment benefits. 
  • The Governor announced that Montanans with driver’s licenses expiring in March, April, or May now have 90 day extensions to renew. 
  • Schools remain closed until March 27, with a commitment from the Governor to ensure that teachers and staff will still receive pay and that districts will work to provide solutions so that kids can continue to receive quality instruction. 
  • Finally, the Governor repeated public guidance to avoid all gatherings—planning, hosting, or attending. Several counties have closed all bars, breweries, and put limited restaurant operations in place to follow these measures. To learn more, please visit
I understand that these actions will disrupt our daily lives. But they are necessary to protect our friends and neighbors from infection, particularly those most vulnerable. 

The government won’t solve this crisis alone. We all have the power to stop the spread of infection by practicing social distancing, washing our hands, not touching our faces, and being extra careful around our friends, neighbors and colleagues who are over 60 or have compromised immune systems. 

We’re Montanans. I know that we can pull together and do this. 

Thank you all again for your help to share the word about the actions needed to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Together, we will get through this and protect Montanans from a serious public health crisis across our state.


About Raph: Raph Graybill is Chief Legal Counsel to Governor Steve Bullock. A fifth-generation Montanan from Great Falls, Graybill won a Rhodes Scholarship and graduated from Yale Law School. Graybill beat the Trump Administration in court over dark money, protected our public lands from out-of-state developers, and defended Montana's public schools.

The non-partisan 
Cook Political Report rates Graybill as the top Democratic candidate to win back the Attorney General's office this fall.

Paid for by Friends of Raph Graybill, PO Box 2728, Great Falls, MT 59403. Democrat.

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