Dear Friend,
We hope you and your loved ones are well. At Graham, the health and safety of our kids, families, honorees, speakers, and guests will always be our main priority.
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact our community, we have decided that it is best to postpone our gala benefit, originally scheduled for Wednesday, May 6.
We share your disappointment and sincerely hope that you can join us on the rescheduled date of Tuesday, September 29, 2020 at Gotham Hall.  Please reply to this email to confirm that you plan to join us on September 29th.
If the date change affects your ability to attend, we hope that you will allow us to count on the fulfillment of your contribution, knowing that 100% of your gift will go directly towards to our programs that provide young people the foundation they need to thrive in life.
In uncertain times such as these, we are most reliant on—and grateful for—caring friends such as yourself who answer Graham’s call for support so generously. To date, we have raised more than $1M toward our goal of $2M. We are fully committed to achieving this goal in support of the critical services we provide to 4,000+ children and families. Thanks to your support for our key initiatives that lack sufficient government funding, we are able to assist our students as they return from college and help struggling families be safe and stable in this turbulent moment. By reaching our benefit goal, we can fulfill our promise to be there for them.
If you have yet to purchase your table or tickets, please click here. Thank you!
Graham has overcome many difficult challenges during the course of our two centuries of service, and we are confident that we will prevail and flourish with you at our side. Thank you for all that you do for and give to Graham!
With abundant gratitude,
Georgia Wall
Chair, Board of Trustees 
Jess Dannhauser
President & CEO


"Can I show you what I'm proudest of? I established the first private orphanage in New York City."
Eliza Hamilton
Founder of Graham Windham, from the musical "Hamilton"