Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans are determined to win back the majority and only need to win one or two seats to do it.

John —

Will you add a contribution of $10 or any amount to Cory’s campaign before his FEC deadline at midnight? We’ll explain more in a moment.

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Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans are determined to win back the majority and only need to win one or two seats to do it.

For the first time in our lifetimes, the conservative majority on the Supreme Court has made decisions resulting in the youngest generation of Americans growing up with fewer rights and freedoms than their parents.

Reproductive freedom, voting rights, and so much more could be restricted even further if McConnell wins control of the Senate, and the ability to confirm or block federal judicial nominees.

With less than 24 hours left until Cory’s FEC fundraising deadline, your support is critical to help ensure we don’t start the 2024 election year a step behind McConnell and his allies in the fight for the Senate majority.

Can you chip in $10 or any amount right now to help close our fundraising gap and finish the year with the strongest FEC report possible to take on Mitch McConnell and the GOP?

Cory doesn’t take a dime from corporate lobbyists or executives in Big Pharma or the fossil fuel industry.

Your $10 donation makes a real difference. Thanks for adding your support at this critical time for our campaign.

— Booker HQ