Georgia's March 24 presidential primary has been postponed due to CDC guidance, and now, it is scheduled to be held with the United States Senate primary on May 19th.


Friend –

Georgia's March 24 presidential primary has been postponed due to CDC guidance, and now, it is scheduled to be held with the United States Senate primary on May 19th.

That means our final quarterly deadline before voters choose their nominee to run against David Perdue is just two weeks from today. And right now – more than ever – we see that leadership matters.

There is a national state of emergency as we grapple with a global pandemic. Elections are happening right now to elect the leaders we will entrust to deal with this crisis. Georgia needs someone who is ready for the job on Day One.

I know the responsibilities and demands mayors and public safety directors are facing right now across America because I was one for eight years. When I held those positions, we conducted extensive simulations and preparations on how to confront crises just like this one. I hold a national security secret clearance from my work with the military at Ft. Benning - and I brought veterans’ homelessness in Columbus to net-zero by the end of 2018. That’s the kind of record we need to go up against David Perdue and win in November.

I’m counting on your donation right now to give us a boost before this FEC deadline. Can you donate right now?


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Yours truly,






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