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Portrait of First Lady Tammy Murphy

Hi there — I’m about to share your personal donation link and request your support before our campaign’s very first FEC fundraising deadline. Before I do that, please let me explain why this deadline is so important:

Once the ball drops and the year ends, we’ll have to release our campaign’s post-launch fundraising numbers to the public. New Jerseyans and the national press will be watching closely to see how much each candidate in this race raised, and how many people have chipped in.

We need to show everyone that we have the resources AND grassroots support to defeat Bob Menendez and win this race. That’s why I am humbly asking for your support to reach our year-end goal.

Here's your personal donation link: actblue.com/donate/[email protected]

Bob Menendez has millions of dollars in the bank from a lifetime of self-interested politics, and he’s already spending that to smear me. We need to show we have what it takes to fight back.

Whether you’re in this fight to clean up Washington, to fight against extremists who want a nationwide abortion ban, or to end the gun violence epidemic and secure our children’s future, your support is crucial right now.

So I’m asking: Can you pitch in any amount by 11:59 PM on Sunday? You can use the link below.

actblue.com/donate/[email protected]

Thanks so much for standing with me.

— Tammy