We’re closing out 2023, and I need your help showing our grassroots strength.

My campaign must report the most robust numbers possible with an end-of-quarter Federal Election Commission (FEC) deadline of December 31. Anything you can contribute before the deadline – even $10 – will make all the difference. Here’s why:

What we report after December 31 will be the first fundraising numbers released in Election Year 2024. The FEC report will signal whether we have the grassroots support to hold the U.S. Senate against a barrage of Republican attacks.

You and I know 2024 will be the most consequential election year in a generation.

Right-wing Republicans are going all out to flip the Senate. If they succeed, reproductive rights, control of the Supreme Court, voting rights, and all the progress we’ve made to strengthen the economy and defend our planet will be gone.

My team and I have set the ambitious goal of raising $50,000 before the December 31 deadline to show our grassroots strength. Will you help me reach our critical fundraising goal by pitching in $10.

If you've stored your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will process immediately.


It’s not just the national Republican machine and Mitch McConnell working overtime to flip the Senate.

Right-wing megadonors are already lining up to put their millions behind anti-choice extremists running for the Senate. For them, it’s all about seizing control and denying women the right to make decisions about their bodies.

That’s why we must hit the ground running coming into 2024.

Our December FEC filing can send a clear message we have the grassroots strength to take on right-wing Republicans and their dark money cronies — and win!

Please join me in the fight to protect our Senate majority and for pro-choice rights.

Thank you,





Paid for by Friends of Maria

Friends of Maria
PO Box 12740
Seattle, WA 98111
United States