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TexasGOPVote Newsletter

December 21
Highlighted Blogs

Evangelical Leaders to Congress: Prioritize Orderly Borders and Human Dignity - As Congress considers legislation seeking to address the situation at the U.S.-Mexico border, evangelical leaders sent a letter urging members of Congress to pursue policies that improve border security but also ensure due process and legal protections for asylum seekers and unaccompanied children. Evangelical leaders also note that, while border challenges are significant and require congressional response, there are also other urgent priorities impacting a range of immigrant communities already living in the United States. Many of these groups are in need of permanent legal status that only Congress can provide, including Dreamers, Afghan and other humanitarian parolees, and long-term beneficiaries of Temporary Protected Status

Today a Saviour is Born - With Christmas just a few days away, we turn to Jesus Christ our hope and our refuge. Peace seems like such a strange word while witnessing all the pain and suffering in these times of war and conflict. But pray we must.  Pray for Peace in the Holy Land, pray for the safe return of all hostages, and pray for the innocent children that are caught in the midst of this horrific war. Reminding ourselves what is written in Luke 2:14, “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.” Wishing you and your families a “Silent Night a Holy Night” because with Him all things are possible, even peace. 

Cornyn, Hassan, Tillis, Bennet Introduce Bill to Ensure Veterans’ Access to Quality Mental Health Care - U.S. Senators John Cornyn (R-TX), Maggie Hassan (D-NH), Thom Tillis (R-NC), and Michael Bennet (D-CO) introduced the Veterans Mental Health and Addiction Therapy Quality of Care Act, which would require an independent organization outside of the government to conduct a study to assess the quality of care veterans receive for mental and addiction health treatment from providers within and outside the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

Featured Topic

ID and Tax

"ID and Tax" is a system where unauthorized immigrants would be issued tamper-proof IDs, would be taxed at the same or a higher rate than American citizens, and would be required to work for employers who deduct and match taxes. Find out more about the problems we face and the solutions.

Additional Blog Posts

Sens. Cruz, Scott, Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Crack Down on CCP Espionage


Farm Bill Priorities to Support Producers


House Passes SUPPORT Act


Opening an Impeachment Inquiry Into President Biden


Funding our Troops and Supporting Military Families


Cornyn-Supported Defense Bill Passes Senate


Dec 20 Dallas Premier of ‘We The Parents’ Film Exposing Destruction of the Family by Courts

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