

Howdy comrades,?


Some of you might be traveling during this time of the year to visit family and or friends. Please take care of yourself. Get some rest comrade; it's been a hell of a year. We are glad you are with us in this struggle. Always remember to practice self care. Look forward to seeing what we can accomplish together next year. Solidarity!


Palestinian Liberation Working Group

20,000 Palestinians have been killed by the Israeli Zionist state since October 7. How many more martyrs? Countless of Palestinians displaced, living in tents. Lack of clean water and food, barbaric living conditions. All while US made and funded missiles and shells are dropped on them by the IOF. World governments with an unsurprising silence to atrocity, this immense suffering and misery imposed on the Palestinian people. The world watches on as Israel conducts a genocide. We must continue showing up for Palestine living in the belly of the imperial beast, the United States. As socialists we have a responsibility to be in solidarity with the Palestinian liberation struggle. Continue attending rallies, sign making events, film screening or education sessions, meetings. Continue in struggle for Palestine.


We are having our working group meeting TODAY at 7 PM. Meeting will be held at Bohemeos with a Zoom call in option. Make sure to RSVP for Zoom link. Follow our Instagram for additional event updates.?


Contact: [email protected]


Solidarity Income Based Dues

If you switch or sign up for Solidarity Income Based Dues before December 31, you'll receive an awesome, union-printed bandana! Help grow our mass movement and build the working class power we need to win!


Delegates at National Convention made Solidarity Income Based Dues a priority because everything that we do costs money and we need more to do more. Our economy must be built democratically, by and for working people, not by billionaires for profit. As working class people, we build power when we unite and organize, and power comes from organized people and organized money.


Upcoming Events

(all events posted in houstondsa.org/calendar)

Palestinian Liberation Working Group

Thursday, December 21, 7 - 9 PM (Hybrid)

Abolition Working Group

Thursday, December 28, 7 - 8 PM (Hybrid)



If you're a DSA dues paying member and do not have access to Mattermost, our discourse space, please email [email protected] and you'll receive a join link once verified.


To update your name, phone, and/or mailing address tied to your DSA membership, fill out this FORM. Please use the email currently tied to your DSA membership. For membership questions please check out the DSA FAQ.?


Interested in joining Houston DSA? Become a dues paying DSA member to become affiliated with the local chapter!?


What We're Reading

(click on each image for more info)


Signing off, take care comrades and solidarity forever!


Houston DSA Communications Committee


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