Dear John,

You deserve to know. 

You deserve to know how I would vote on the major issues of the day- and there's a bunch of them right now before Congress. 

Any candidate who doesn't tell you, is lying to you. And I am NOT a liar. 

I am Sandy Smith, THE America First candidate in NC's Swing First District. 

First off, the NDAA. I am unabashedly pro-military, coming from a long-time military family. But the good deal that the House negotiated in the summer was undone by the Senate. They took out everything we needed, and also extended the often abused and highly illegal Section 702, which allows surveillance of American citizens without a warrant. 

That's a hard no. Anything the Dems want is something we should be skeptical of. It's a bad deal and I'm a no- while Democrat Don Davis was a YES. 
The other issue is impeachment. I am already on record as being in favor of impeaching Biden for high crimes. His crime family has been bilking Americans for years. 

What I am immensely happy about, is that under Speaker Johnson, Republicans finally have the political will and courage to hold him accountable. 

We will ultimately hold him accountable for a great deal, and reverse every bad law and policy he inflicted on us for four years. But this is a good start. 

And for the record, Democrat Don Davis was a NO on impeachment. 
NO on NDAA, YES on impeachment!
With politics, you HAVE to make them tell you how they would vote. That's the only way you know what you're voting for.

The Dem incumbent here, Don Davis, has an awful voting record. He voted for the NDAA and against impeachment. 

I would have voted the opposite- and been transparent about why. 

I am in favor of BEATING THE DEMOCRATS! We need to pass better legislation to defeat Biden and Don Davis.

Join me today! Ballots drop January 19th for absentee and election day is March 5th in North Carolina- all under new lines. We have a LOT of work to do and so little time to do it!

$50k for our mail program.
$50k for radio ads.
$50k for TV ads.
$25k for digital ads.
$15k for our ground game.
$5k for signs and printed materials.

Thank you- and let's put America First!
Sandy Smith
Republican for Congress, North Carolina
Conservative America First Patriot
Entrepreneur & Military mom
P.S. This is our chance! Can you help me win?

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