This is outrageous.

Bowman for Congress

Hey John,

We knew AIPAC would play dirty. But I didn’t expect them to stoop so low so quickly – or to so blatantly disregard our democracy.

AIPAC Donor urges Jewish Republicans to switch party to vote against Jamaal Bowman in primary

They aren’t even trying to hide their contempt for my district’s voters. Chip in to help me stand up and fight back.


Our primary system exists so that voters of each party can select their preferred candidate. AIPAC doesn’t give a damn – they’re literally trying to flood the polls with undercover Republicans just to get an edge against me.

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It’s outrageous – but unfortunately, it’s also par for the course for a super PAC that takes money from Republican mega-donors and endorses insurrectionists.

Don’t let them bring this garbage into our district. Chip in and help me take a principled, honest stand for the values I believe in.

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Peace and love,
