We’ll stop sending you emails soon

Dear friend,


You haven’t opened our emails in a while, so we wanted to check if you still want to hear from us. 


We’d love to keep you updated about our campaign for a compassionate assisted dying law – but only if you’re interested. If we don’t hear from you, we’ll stop emailing you soon.

friend, let us know if you’d like to keep receiving emails from our team at Dignity in Dying:


We really hope you stay on board – we’ll only get the law changed with widespread support, and we know it’s going to take thousands of us working together. So just by being with us, you’re helping us get closer to a day when terminally ill people can choose to die with dignity, in the way they choose. 


But if you choose to change how we communicate with you, that’s also fine. Just let us know using the buttons above.


Thanks again, friend.





David Pearce

Dignity in Dying

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181 Oxford Street
London, England W1D 2JT
United Kingdom
