
Back in February, more than 100 children were illegally employed in a hazardous job at one of the nation’s largest food safety and sanitation service providers. Then, on July 1st, tragedy struck when a sixteen-year-old lost their life while working at a poultry plant in Mississippi. Not too long after, another heart-wrenching incident occurred when a Wisconsin boy was killed in a sawmill accident.

These distressing events highlight the evident reality that some workplaces continue to engage in illegal and unsafe practices, often at the expense of vulnerable young workers. The incidents serve as painful reminders of the urgent need for rapid enforcement of labor laws and heightened awareness regarding workers' rights.

In response to such challenges, the Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division conducted 955 investigations in 2023. The results revealed a troubling 14% increase in evidence of underage labor violations compared to the previous year. Shockingly, around 5,800 minors were found working unlawfully, representing an alarming 88% surge from 2019.

As the holiday season approaches, the pressure on workers to take on extra hours and additional shifts intensifies. Jessica Looman, the administrator of the Wage and Hour Division of the Department of Labor, emphasized a prevalent violation: employees working more than 40 hours without receiving the mandated time and a half overtime pay.

This underscores the critical importance of employees knowing their rights to maintain a healthy work-life balance and ensure fair treatment by employers. It's a year-round concern, not confined to the holidays alone.

This holiday season, let's strive to be more than just cogs in the machine; let's aim to be respected members of the workforce. Especially during a season that should be about joy, not exploitation.

In the face of these challenges, it becomes our collective responsibility to raise awareness, advocate for change, and ensure that every worker, regardless of age, is treated with fairness and respect in the workplace. It goes beyond fairness; it's about caring for one another. Let us join forces to make sure every worker and every child has the fundamental right to come home safely after their work shift.










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