From Claremont Institute <[email protected]>
Subject The US Military Went Woke – Changes At the Top Are Needed Now
Date December 7, 2023 3:00 PM
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Dear Friend,

Astute followers of the Claremont Institute and the work accomplished by our Center for the American Way of Life know about our key involvement in the fight to reveal—and excise—an aggressively metastasizing woke cancer from our US military. This week, we again took the fight to the national arena, publishing a must-read piece in Newsweek.

Along with Heritage Foundation President Dr. Kevin Roberts and American Principles Project President Terry Schilling (Terry is also a Lincoln fellow alum of Claremont), I detail how the upper echelon of our armed forces have fully embraced the social imperatives of the Left and the most progressive aspects of American society.

Read the Article: [link removed]

This leftward lurch by the leaders of our military puts America in danger. Thankfully, there are patriot holdouts like Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Alabama) who put a hold on military promotions over the Pentagon's unjust decision to fund abortion tourism. This is a righteous manifestation of the Senate's responsibility to scrutinize military leadership. It gets our applause.

If the nation is to reclaim the military as an institution built for victory in war, conservatives must have the courage and audacity to reform the institution. The Claremont Institute is happy to lead this fight. We cannot wait to share what we have on the horizon in 2024.

Support Our Work: [link removed]

Thank you,
Ryan P. Williams

The Claremont Institute | P.O. Box 39 | Claremont, CA 91711

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