Hi John,
The leftists know it. 

They shop for judges that they know have predetermined the outcome before they ever hear evidence. 

I saw it myself. The disrespectful way they treat those of us who just want to see fair, legal elections is absurd. 

And they did it again to Kari Lake last week. We must stop this!
The judges are openly acting now like part of the Dem machine. THIS is a topic for the legislature to take up- we CANNOT allow this. 

The AZ Sun Times adds this:

Maricopa County Superior Court Judge John Hannah issued a ruling Wednesday denying Kari Lake’s special action that requested to inspect the ballot affidavit envelopes, or the electronic images of those envelopes, from Maricopa County’s 2022 general election. The recorder’s office denied Lake’s initial public records request for the affidavits because they contained voters’ signatures, so she sued the county. During the September trial, Hannah refused to allow most of Lake’s witnesses to testify or her exhibits into evidence.

Shelby Busch, the co-founder of We the People AZ Alliance, which has been investigating illegal election activities for the Lake campaign, told The Arizona Sun Times, “Judge Hannah’s decision was predictably bad. Denying Kari the ability to put forward witnesses, testimony or even a rebuttal to the County is further evidence that he is a far-left Judge trying to legislate from the bench. This is the people’s election and denying them the right to inspect public records is further confirmation that protecting the corrupt institution is their primary goal. Journalists everywhere should be outraged, this is a huge miscarriage to public transparency and accountability, but how many of them will step up?”
The failure of AZ judges to conduct themselves with fairness- or even to observe basic legal norms- is unheard of. 

We NEED to tighten up the laws to take the judgement out of their hands. 

Republicans NEED to fight back. Join me!

Arizona is ground zero for election integrity. We passed good laws but we need to absolutely overwhelm the fraudsters with bulletproof laws and better judges. will YOU be with me for the long haul?

America First,
Wendy Rogers, Lt Col USAF (ret)
Arizona State Senator
Arizona's 7th Legislative District
P.S. Arizona is paying attention to how well I can raise money - and how many patriots can support me. Will you help me show them how serious we are about election integrity?

Wendy Rogers is a retired member of the Air Force. Use of military rank, job titles, and photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement by the Department of the Air Force or the Department of Defense.
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