Add your name to show Tammy that you’re with us.

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First Lady Tammy Murphy is running for the United States Senate, and we want to show her who’s standing with her as she launches her campaign. We’ll give you three good reasons to give Tammy your endorsement today, but if you’re ready to cut right to the chase:

Click here to personally endorse Tammy Murphy for the United States Senate!


There are too many reasons to support Tammy to fit them all in this email. Here are just three of them:

  1. New Jersey deserves a Senator we can trust. Bob Menendez is too busy fighting for his own future to fight for ours, but Tammy has delivered big wins for Jersey from the moment she became First Lady.

  2. Tammy would break barriers — giving NJ women another seat at the table. New Jersey has never elected a woman to the US Senate before. It’s time to change that.

  3. Tammy has proven she’ll make our state better for everyone. As First Lady, she’s helped deliver better healthcare for moms and babies, introduced a climate change curriculum for all our schools, and led the conversation on issues that matter most — from gun safety, to climate change, to reproductive rights.

If you believe Tammy’s the right woman for this job, add your name now to personally endorse her in New Jersey’s Senate race.


Thanks for fighting with us.

— Team Tammy