John –

This week I debunked the lies President Biden continues to regurgitate about Republicans wanting to cut Social Security and Medicare. I also analyzed what recent data on abortion tells us about protecting the lives of the unborn and highlighted the continued dereliction of duty from President Biden at our southern border. 

As always, your support is critical as I fight for you on the issues that matter most in Congress. As I am gearing up for my re-election campaign here in Texas, I would greatly appreciate any donation you can provide. My campaign is impossible without the generosity of patriots like you from across the country and I am grateful for your continued support.
Now, here’s your campaign brief:
President Biden straight up lies that Republicans want to cut Social Security and Medicare.
Here’s a simple fact: these programs are headed towards insolvency, and are not fiscally sustainable. The irony is that by doing nothing to reform Social Security and Medicare, we effectively cut these programs.
Both of these programs are funded via Trust Funds. That’s a fancy way of saying that payroll taxes (from everyone’s paycheck) and other income are deposited in a U.S. Treasury fund to pay for benefits and administration.
Even Medicare’s own Board of Trustees is very clear that Medicare Part A will be depleted by 2031. And the Social Security Administration’s Board of Trustees projects that the Social Security Trust Fund will be depleted by 2035. In Medicare, the depletion of the trust fund means an automatic 11% cut. For Social Security, it’s an automatic 23% cut.

President Biden is waiting for these programs to implode and chastising the next generation of legislators for giving a damn about fiscal responsibility and the future of our country. We can’t let that happen.
There are a couple of implications of recent data surrounding abortion following the overturning of Roe v. Wade, but the most important one is the most obvious: Restricting abortion saves lives. 

The left will argue that restricting abortions did not generate the surge in births that one might expect.

But that leads us to the second implication, which is that maybe people act more responsibly when they believe their actions have actual consequences? Perhaps behaviors are changing that negate the option of abortion altogether.

Abortion used to be seen as a “rare” option. In fact, even Democrats used to say that abortion should be “safe, legal, and rare”. But the left has evolved into a totally different mindset on this issue, in which abortion is normalized and even celebrated as an option to terminate inconvenient pregnancies. That is awful and it needs to change. 

Slowly but surely, we must reverse that mindset. People need to acknowledge what they already know: the unborn child inside of them is a person.
Recent reporting from Fox News and Bill Melugin from the southern border is shocking: at least 21 child sex predators have been arrested crossing illegally into our country since October. 

These are child rapists, sodomists, and abusers that have been arrested trying to enter our country illegally.

And this reporting leads us to an obvious question: how many of these monsters weren’t caught? 

The truth is we will never know, because Joe Biden has created a situation in which we have virtually no control of our southern border. We have no idea who is trying to enter our country and who is currently inside of our borders after crossing illegally into America. 

This is a historic dereliction of duty by Joe Biden. 

The reality is that securing our southern border is not difficult. It does not require throwing money at the problem or radical policy solutions. 

In fact, all it requires is ENFORCING THE LAWS ALREADY ON THE BOOKS. 

We must enforce the immigration laws passed by Congress to prevent people from coming into our country illegally and deport those who we know are here illegally. We also must end the abuses in our asylum laws that incentivize illegal immigration and bogus asylum claims. 

If we enforce the most basic policies that are already in place, we will make real progress in securing our border and stopping dangerous people from coming into our country.
My custom eyepatch is back in stock - with options for left or right eye. Durable, strong, and comfortable. It’s the same eyepatch I wear everyday.
That’s it for this week’s campaign brief. Thank you for reading and staying informed.
In Service,
Dan Crenshaw

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