It’s clear that we will not have free and fair elections unless we work for it.

Voting Rights Petition

Name: No Record
Status: Signature Missing
Action: Sign on today!



On Super Tuesday, we saw stories about voters having to wait in line for hours just to cast their ballot.

We need to be working to make it easier to vote, not creating unnecessary barriers that restrict Americans from casting their vote.

In America, we have the idea of free and fair elections, but unfortunately we’ve seen an erosion of the ability to access the ballot in recent years.

It’s clear that we will not have free and fair elections unless we work for it. Kamala is ready to put the work in, but we need to know if you are with her.

If you agree with Kamala, will you add your name today and join the fight for free and fair elections?


We are still seeing a concerted effort to suppress the vote in states across the country.

States are purging voters from the voting roles and closing down polling locations, disproportionately disenfranchising minority voters.

We need to do everything we can to help eligible voters access the ballot and exercise their right to vote.

Kamala believes that we need to restore the full protections of the Voting Rights Act, require the availability of early voting
, fight for automatic voter registration, and make Election Day a national holiday.

If you are with her, will you click the link below and add your name to fight for free and fair elections?

Thank you for joining us in the fight,

Team Kamala