
Our end-of-month fundraising deadline is here, and we’re calling on Republicans across the state to help us meet our critical goal and show the Democrats that Texas is a shining beacon for Republicans and will NEVER turn blue! 

Time is of the essence

By rushing a donation, we can make a resounding statement that Texas stands strong and red. John, can we count on your support? The future of Texas depends on it. 


Thank you for stepping up, 

Matt Rinaldi 
Republican Party of Texas

---------Forwarded Message-------

From: Texas GOP
Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2023, at 1:15 PM
Subject: URGENT: Help Us Keep Texas Red!


Tomorrow is our end-of-month fundraising deadline, and we need your help! Liberal elites like George Soros are pouring money into Texas in an effort to turn our state blue. With 1 year until the Presidential election, we can’t allow that to happen. 


The values that make Texas strong are at stake, and we need to stand united against the well-funded efforts to reshape our beloved state.

Help us smash our monthly fundraising goal and send a powerful message that Texans will not tolerate Soros-backed Democrats’ attempts to flip Texas blue!

Rush a donation now to SAVE TEXAS and DEFEND AMERICA!

We've set an ambitious monthly fundraising goal. With your help, we can smash through that target and make a resounding statement that Texas stands strong.


At the Republican Party of Texas, we are committed to preserving Texas values, securing our border, defending the Second Amendment, safeguarding the rights of the unborn, ensuring election integrity, bolstering our economy, and so much more.

Will you join us in this crucial effort? Your donation, no matter the size, will contribute directly to the fight to Keep Texas Red. Every dollar counts, and together, we can defend the values that make our state exceptional.

Remember, our critical end-of-month fundraising deadline is tomorrow. Please rush your donation now to ensure that Texas remains a beacon of conservative principles. Every dollar counts in this crucial battle for the future of Texas. Will you step up and join us today?

Thank you for standing with us. Together, we will Keep Texas Red!

Defending Texas and Saving America,

Texas Republicans

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Paid for and Authorized by the Republican Party of Texas
P.O. Box 2206, Austin, TX 78768

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