We're everywhere across the eight counties in this district.

Dan McCready for Congress

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John -

I’m not sure North Carolina has ever seen a grassroots congressional campaign like this one, so I want to share a bit about our work on the ground and how we’re running this campaign.

In today’s era of big TV ad buys, most congressional campaigns don’t do that much grassroots campaigning anymore.

We do. We’re everywhere across the eight counties in this district. Our staff and volunteers are working out of nine field offices, and I’m doing town halls and meet and greets in every corner of the district.

Whether it’s the suburbs of Charlotte or rural counties in eastern North Carolina like Bladen County, we are showing up to meet voters where they are. By spending time face to face with voters in places most candidates don’t go, I learn what’s on the hearts and minds of people in all communities and the policy solutions that can make the biggest difference in people’s lives.

It would mean a lot to me if you could chip in $3 today. It’s your support that makes this impressive grassroots operation possible, and with Election Day just 34 days away, it’s critical that we keep it going.

In small-town North Carolina, voters are used to politicians who swing by just before an election to promise the world, and then they fail to do anything for people once they get to Washington. Trade deals out of Washington have crushed our rural communities. Voters are rightly skeptical of any candidate or politician.

But I find that by visiting often and building real relationships face to face, I can show people I’m there to fight for them. I can show them that this isn’t a career for me, this is calling. If I have the honor of serving in Washington, I won’t care what the special interests have to say, I’ll care about what the people need.

Now, here’s the thing, I need your help to keep this up. Our amazing grassroots program isn’t cheap. It costs money to hire all of our organizers and open all of our district offices. A trip across the 9th District takes me three hours.

For me to spend so much time on the road meeting with voters, I’m relying on you to keep chipping in the resources this campaign needs to keep running.

If you could chip in $3, it’d make a big difference. It’ll help keep me on the road to meet as many voters as we can in these final weeks before our special election.

We’re running a real grassroots campaign. With your help, we're gonna win this special election in 34 days, and we’re gonna do it the right way, by putting people first.



Paid for by McCready for Congress

Dan McCready is a former member of the United States Marines. Use of his military rank, job titles, and photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement by the Marines or the Department of Defense. This email was sent to [email protected]. Click here if you'd like to unsubscribe. We try to send only the most important information and opportunities to participate via email. To support Dan McCready with a contribution, click here.