Together, we'll shape the future of GOP.
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Dear John,

Today marks a pivotal juncture in our journey. It’s a day that holds the promise of forging a pathway to a brighter tomorrow. As the Chairman of the Vermont GOP and a member of the Republican Party's national leadership, I've always believed in the immense power that lies within grassroots efforts. It's the heartbeat of our campaign, the driving force that can shape outcomes and propel us toward our aspirations.

Looking ahead, our collective vision is clear: Winning the majority in the United States Senate and electing a Republican President in 2024. These milestones will shape the trajectory of our nation, ensuring that our values are championed at the highest levels of governance. However, this vision requires both strategy and resources.

Your contribution is an essential piece of this puzzle. It fuels our grassroots organizing, helps amplify our message, and ensures we’re equipped to combat challenges and seize opportunities.

Your first donation will be a testament to your belief in our shared goals, your trust in our vision, and your commitment to ensuring a brighter future for our party and nation.


Our success is contingent upon the unity and collective action of individuals like you. Every member's voice, every gesture of support, and every donation holds the power to drive transformative change.

I extend my profound gratitude in advance for considering this request. I assure you, your trust and support are never taken lightly. As we march towards a significant political battle, let's ensure we are fortified, ready, and poised for victory.

Looking forward to the path we carve together, with hope, unity, and determination.

Vermont Republican Party

Paul Dame
Chairman, Republican Party of Vermont
Member, Republican National Committee

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Vermont Republican Party, P.O. Box 70, Montpelier, VT 05601, United States

Contributions to Vermont Republican Party are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.

Paid for by Vermont Republican Party ( and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.