Dear John, 

Helping homeless pets is a calling—something you feel in your heart. And today, we’re in awe of how many people chose to answer that call with a Giving Tuesday donation. Thank you. 

Now, some of our community's generous animal lovers have decided to encourage more donations by adding $5,000 to our Giving Tuesday Match! PAWS alum Yumi, a tiny terrier mix found abandoned for days in an empty apartment last summer, and her loving adopter were so inspired, they JUST ADDED $5,000 to the $25,000 Giving Tuesday Match from the Robert and Mayari Pritzker Family Foundation, raising it to $30,000!

There are still a few hours left. Please help us capture every dollar of this increased match. 

Save 2x the Lives

Your gift today can be the difference between life and death for pets like Lolo and Rowan.

Rowan was found just days ago as a 6-week old kitten, all by herself and shelterless—in November in Chicago.

Lolo's plight was just as heartbreaking. She was found in a city park tied to a post for at least 18 hours. The neglect started much earlier though. PAWS veterinarians are worried about her back leg, but we won't know whether she needs rehab or even surgery until she regains weight, muscle, and strength.

Your gift today could be the deciding factor for at-risk pets like Lolo and Rowan. 

There are just HOURS LEFT to make a difference. Donate now and DOUBLE YOUR IMPACT with the now $30,000 Giving Tuesday Match.

Double My Donation
Your kindness and generosity never cease to amaze. We’re so grateful for each and every animal lover helping to build a No Kill Chicago.
If this message crossed paths with your latest donation, please disregard this email. Thank you for your support!
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