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TexasGOPVote Newsletter

November 22
Highlighted Blogs

"Courtroom" Movie Screening and Panel Discussion Address Immigration Challenges and Solutions - Immigration experts and business leaders discussed faults of the outdated US immigration system and urged lawmakers to pass bipartisan legislative solutions during a recent gathering at Rice University in Houston. After screening the film "The Courtroom," Speakers discussed pitfalls of the legal immigration system, the issues of worker misclassification and payroll fraud, and the ID and Tax policy solution.

Pfluger & Hyde-Smith File SCOTUS Brief In Challenge To Chemical Abortions - Representative August Pfluger and Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith led the filing of an amicus brief in support of the Supreme Court considering initial “approval irregularities” by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in its 2000 approval of chemical abortion drugs. "As pro-life elected representatives, Amici are committed to protecting women and girls from the harms of the abortion industry. By approving and then deregulating chemical abortion drugs, the FDA failed to follow Congress’ statutorily prescribed drug approval process and subverted Congress’ critical public policy interests in upholding patient welfare,” the brief stated. 

Mach 1 Caucus Urges Expedited Delivery Of KC-46 Tankers To Israel - The MACH 1 Caucus, a coalition of former military pilots and current lawmakers, sent a letter to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin urging the Biden Administration to expedite the delivery of the KC-46A Pegasus aerial refueling tankers to Israel. "Air superiority, of not only American forces but of our partner’s, is a critical component to regional security and stability," said the letter.

Featured Topic

ID and Tax

"ID and Tax" is a system where unauthorized immigrants would be issued tamper-proof IDs, would be taxed at the same or a higher rate than American citizens, and would be required to work for employers who deduct and match taxes. Find out more about the problems we face and the solutions.

Additional Blog Posts

Rep. Van Duyne Introduces Bill to Repeal Biden’s $15 Billion Chemical Tax

Cornyn Meets with Port San Antonio CEO

Turning up the HEAT on Radical Energy Policies

Rep. Chip Roy issues statement on House Continuing Resolution

Supporting Israel

Rep. Roy statement on voting against the rule for H.R. 5893 and H.R. 5961

American Leadership and Support for Israel

Cornyn Discusses SCOTUS Code of Conduct, Democrats’ Partisan Subpoena Ploy
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