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And remember, the "R" in Republican stands for Reform!
Mar 09, 2020 01:57 pm | Joel Acevedo

New Yorkers are longing for good government, and parties who foster meaningful competition in order to serve the people objectively well. We should be holding our elected leaders to a higher standard and hold them accountable for not addressing the needs of the community. Kicking the can down the road for the next election or opposing any proposal due to blind partisanship is not cutting it nor has it ever. It does not serve the people. The solutions that can create substantive transformations transcend partisan purity by seeking to serve the greater good of all. The goal is to advance good solutions on issues that matter. The Brooklyn Young Republican Club is committed to building the kind of political organization you can come to trust will advance life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all.

Even under a system of due process and the rule of law, there must always be room for compassion, context and mercy–for not even one of us is perfect.

We are committed to civil self-government that respects individual liberties, justice, and equal rights for all people. A person’s race, religion, immigration status, gender, sexual orientation, and gender expression should have no bearing on a person’s ability to enjoy our unalienable rights, “that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

Let’s work together to advance equity. Any one of us can find ourselves struggling from hardship, misfortune, mistake or oppression. Too many have and too many still do. That’s why we must stand together as one nation, united, and pledge to aid each other mutually and equitably whenever required, so we can all live up to our fullest potential as a free and just people. It’s our goal to advance policies of inclusion that will expand opportunity for all.

Ideological purity has been a disaster on both sides of the political aisles.

Compromise is not capitulation. Compromise towards progress is instead the cornerstone of success and prosperity for all people throughout history. Brooklynites are tired of the status quo, and they deserve bold leadership that is positive, constructive, and cognizant of their needs, their desires and their dreams. We should not be trying to move Brooklyn right or left, we should be working together to move Brooklyn forward.

Lastly, it’s okay to disagree. Engaging in civil discourse is what makes this country the greatest country in the world. We need a bullish market for ideas. Our republic needs it for it to survive. In doing so will make our government more proactive in improving the lives of all people in Brooklyn and beyond.

It’s time we advance a party with an agenda focused on advancing our unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. A vision that will move America forward.

A new way of getting things done. Together.

The post A New Way Forward, Right is Might appeared first on Brooklyn Young Republican Club.

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