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Over the past year, my campaign has been working tirelessly to ensure that we made it over the finish line on election day – and I am proud to say that we made it over the finish line and then some!


As your next councilmember, I am eager to get to work to continue building Columbus in the right direction. 

My whole life has been dedicated to serving our communities in any capacity that I could. Now that I have been elected to Columbus City Council, I am looking forward to being able to serve our Columbus community on a larger scale with access to many more resources.


However, none of this could have been possible without the help of each and every one of you who volunteered, contributed, and helped spread the message of my campaign. I simply could not have done this without you and I am eternally grateful for the support that each of you have showcased for my candidacy.


As I begin to transition into my new role, I am looking forward to continuing the relationship building with our residents, community leaders, business leaders, and more to ensure that Columbus continues to be the place that people choose to live and create their American Dream.


Please feel free to reach out to me with any of your concerns or questions and remember that my office door will always to be open for you!

Together for Columbus,
Nancy Day-Achauer
Candidate for Columbus City Council
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Nancy Day-Achauer for Columbus
222 East Town Street, Suite 2W
Columbus, OH 43215

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