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John, are you worried about Ohio? 

Last night, for the seventh time in a row, pro-abortion groups and leftist billionaires like George Soros enshrined abortion in a state constitution.

This should be seen as a warning shot for all of us. I don’t say this to cause fear, but to urge us to wisdom.

The Apostle Peter says, “Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” (1 Peter 5:8)
We cannot ignore the spiritual nature of this fight.

The effort to undo life-saving measures like Ohio’s heartbeat law is nothing short of evil. Here in Texas, radical abortion groups and activists are promoting the death of preborn babies through illegal and out-of-state abortions.

I hope this election was a wake-up call for Pro-Lifers. We honestly need it.
>> Over the last year and a half, I have been shocked at how many supporters, pastors, and elected officials believe the myth that “the Pro-Life fight is over.”

That’s why we need your contribution today.
The truth is the enemy is already prowling. We are currently fighting back against efforts to end the lives of children in Texas with abortion pills ordered from illegal websites. And the enemy’s schemes are just going to increase: Pro-abortion billionaires and organizations have begun their 2024 campaigns even in “red states” like Texas.

We read their playbook; we’ve heard the lies they endlessly repeated in Ohio and other states.

We are sober-minded, taking nothing for granted, and standing for truth. 

Look at the incredible impact you’ve made just this year with Texas Right to Life:
✅ Awarded 73 scholarships to Pro-Life college leaders;
✅ Put up Pro-Life billboards in Texas’ major cities;
✅ Secured $160 million in state funding for adoption agencies and pregnancy centers; and
✅ Sued the City of San Antonio for dedicating taxpayer money to abortion groups.
These are just your accomplishments from 2023 alone. We must do more to combat myths and courageously face new challenges. 

John, will you renew your partnership with us through a financial gift right now?

We do not fight out of fear, but faith that ultimately the Lord will overcome the enemy and those furthering his evil agenda.  
For Life,

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