This is a competitive race heading into the final stretch.
Brandon Presley for Mississippi

I'm ready to shake up the system as the next Governor in this state - Brandon Presley

Do you feel it, John?

Change is in the air, and it’s coming to Mississippi. Check it out:

  • 1️⃣ Poll after poll show us TIED with Tate Reeves.
  • 2️⃣ The experts at Cook Political Report just shifted the race in our favor, with 8 days until Election Day.
  • 3️⃣ Tate’s cronies have been running around the state trying to scare voters by lying about my record.

That’s right.

We’ve got a real shot at winning this race. You know it, I know it – and so do the good ole boys that fund Tate’s campaign. That’s why they’re throwing the kitchen sink at us right now, hoping at least one of their lies will stick.

My team and I are pushing back on their attacks. But we also need to be knocking on doors, making phone calls, and doing everything we can to turn out voters in every corner of the state. It all adds up!

That’s where you come in, John. Can I count on you to chip in just $25, or any amount you can swing, and help us push this campaign to victory? Your investment in Mississippi’s future will make a real difference:


Our campaign strategy is working. That’s clear. Mississippi voters are tired of Tate Reeves’ corruption and good ole boys politics as usual. They are ready for a fresh start in state politics.

But I am not taking our momentum for granted. Tate Reeves still has a massive fundraising advantage, so we aren’t taking our foot off the gas for a second. We’ve got to put in the hard work if we want to show Reeves the door on Election Day.

That’s why I need your help NOW. Will you chip in right now to make sure we meet our goal? We have to raise $15,000 by the end of the month to fully fund our GOTV work.

Thank you for your support,

Brandon Presley

Brandon Presley


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