Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch will hear oral arguments today in the first abortion case to come before the Supreme Court since their confirmation.


Friend –

Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch will hear oral arguments today in the first abortion case to come before the Supreme Court since their confirmation.

I am going to level with you. If upheld, this law would close all but one abortion clinic in the state of Louisiana. An identical Texas law was struck down in 2016, but the Supreme Court has changed. Mitch McConnell stole an appointment from President Obama, and in doing so swung the court hard to the right. Then Kavanaugh’s confirmation happened.

If we lose, states across the country – including Georgia – could have a clear path to pass their own draconian abortion restrictions. It will only make winning back the Senate and removing McConnell from power as Majority Leader that much more important. But right now, the most important thing we can do is raise our voice.

Add your name to demand an END to attacks on women’s reproductive freedom. We have to be loud — sign your name today.



Reproductive freedom is a right for all. Thank you for raising your voice.

Yours truly,






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