Press Release from the Office of Congressman Sessions


2204 Rayburn HOB | Washington, D.C. 20515-4317
(202) 225-6105

Contact: Ross Tullis | 202.330.1743

ICYM: Congressman Sessions Discusses Speaker Candidacy on Fox & Friends

Washington D.C.­– Congressman Pete Sessions (R-TX), former Chairman of the NRCC and House Committee on Rules, joined Fox & Friends to discuss his candidacy for speaker of the United States House of Representatives.



Fixing a divided House Republican Conference-  "Our conference is fragmented, and both the conference and I aim to unify us. [As NRCC Chairman] In 2009, we were significantly behind, 40 seats into the Minority. My role was to consolidate and direct our efforts. I secured commitment from 96 candidates, leading to a net gain of 63 seats. When the Republican conference collaborates, we excel and accomplish our goals."

Advancing the Republican agenda- "What we need to do is come together. Instead of working against each other, we should work with each other. I've done this in the past. We possess strategies, much like Jim Jordan and Steve Scalise, geared towards progress to safeguard this country, especially when its economic security hangs by a thread. We must be successful. I'm confident our Conference can achieve this. That is what Monday will be about. If we succeed, America will witness remarkable outcomes... We haven't showcased ourselves to the American people in a manner that instills faith in them as the Majority party. I hope we recalibrate our focus, as we started doing yesterday. It's my hope that my speakership not only fosters collaboration but also drives the transition from fighting to fixing."

