From Julie Oliver <[email protected]>
Subject Very grateful to be running this race with you!
Date March 4, 2020 5:00 AM
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Team, thank you for all of your help in winning the Democratic primary in our campaign to represent District 25 in the United States House of Representatives.

I'm looking forward to the work ahead over the next eight months, and I’m extraordinarily grateful for everything you did to help us get this far.

I cannot say enough about the determination and commitment that our organizing team and our volunteers have shown. They spent hours knocking doors, canvassing in the heat until their feet were swollen and their bodies worn out. And then they got up to do it again the next day, even while they juggled jobs, school, kids, and all of the demands of everyday life. That is the level of commitment it will take to ensure we can do the big, important work in Congress that this district deserves.

So many in District 25 recognize that we're facing a moment of truth right now in this country. It is a moment that every single one of us must face in whatever way we are able to.

For me, that means stepping up and challenging the political status quo and our own Congressman, who's voted dozens of times to take lifesaving healthcare for millions of our fellow Americans -- in a country where millions of us are already faced with the inability to see a doctor or to afford prescriptions to be well.

It is beyond time that every single one of us has a job that pays us what we deserve and where can do more than just get by, where every kid can get a great public school education and where teachers have the support they need for the service they provide our communities, and where each and every one of us can take time off from work to care for a sick family member or loved one.

It is time for this district to have a representative who will show up, listen, and be accountable to those she serves.

And this primary has shown that Texans turn out in record numbers when we campaign in a way that focuses on the problems and opportunities of real people -- not corporations or special interests. Together, we've shown what's possible when you reject the cynicism and pettiness of politics as usual and when we focus on what's important to real people by showing up and listening to them.

We’re now within striking distance of the Trump-Republican incumbent Roger Williams. We've already outraised him during our primary with grassroots donations alone, without a single dime from any PACs.

It's going to be a busy eight months, and I have every confidence that our movement will only grow. Help us show the continued strength of this campaign with a contribution of $8 or more.

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Thank you so much for believing in us and for letting me be a part of this with you.






| Paid for by Julie Oliver for Congress |

Julie Oliver for Congress
P.O. Box 310
Austin TX 78767 United States

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