The GOP dysfunction has made our country less safe, demoralized the American people, and brought us closer to a shutdown.
Hi John,

It’s been nearly two weeks and Republicans still cannot agree on who will be the next Speaker of the House.

Democrats are more than ready to get back to work and back to solving the serious and urgent issues front and center on Americans’ minds, but the GOP infighting and incompetence have made it impossible.

Republican chaos has shown they are unfit to govern.

We cannot allow the GOP recklessness to be the new norm. As the Chair of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, I will fight tooth and nail to take back our majority, elect Hakeem Jeffries Speaker of the House, and put an end to the GOP chaos — but I can only do it with your support. Chip in $5 to help me get it done.

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Let me be clear: We are in this mess because House Republicans empowered and emboldened the most extreme, ultra-MAGA members of their party.

The temper tantrums from extremists like Matt Gaetz and Lauren Boebert — as well as Kevin McCarthy’s capitulation to their outrageous demands — have brought us closer to a government shutdown, again. They’ve frozen our government’s response during an international crisis and an unprecedented attack on one of our closest allies.

Their petty, childish political games have made our country less safe, eroded confidence in our government, and demoralized the American people.

I hope the House can get back to work immediately and I remain committed to taking back our House majority so we can put an end to this chaos once and for all.

Chip in $5 or any amount to can to help me put an end to the willful GOP dysfunction, retake our Democratic majority, and ensure the People’s House remains open and ready to work for the people it represents.

It’s an honor to serve,



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DelBene for Congress
PO Box 477
Kirkland, WA 98083
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