
Yesterday, the Texas Senate worked for 15 hours and passed 5 of the 6 items on the special session call; addressing human smuggling, vaccine mandates, teacher pay raises, school choice, and border security.

While the Senate has passed legislation on many of these topics multiple times before (6 times on border security for example), the House has yet to even schedule a committee hearing for the special session!

What is Speaker Dade Phelan doing in the House instead? Silencing Republicans who dare to question his leadership.

Our mid-month fundraising deadline is less than two days away! We need your help to stop RINOs like Phelan and get our conservative priorities signed into law. Donate today!
“At this time, the chair declines to entertain any further inquiries from you.” That’s Phelan’s response to a question from Rep. Tony Tinderholt (R-Arlington). Read that again.

Rep. Tinderholt is an elected official who was sent to the Capitol to represent the interests of his district. He should have the same right to ask questions like other elected officials in Texas.

With bans on speech and no action on legislation, Phelan’s leadership is looking more and more like totalitarian rule. We cannot sit back and stay silent. Help us stop the RINO-in-chief by rushing in a donation today!
We knew the House would be an uphill battle, but we didn’t realize they would stoop this low. By donating today, you'll help us meet our mid-month deadline so that we defend our values and the Texas way of life in this October special session.

Donate before October’s mid-month fundraising deadline — take a stand for our conservative legislation!

Defending Texas and Saving America,

Texas Republicans

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P.O. Box 2206, Austin, TX 78768

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