Primary Election | TODAY!

March 3rd, 2020

2020 is a historic election cycle for many reasons. All over the country people are letting their voices be heard.

In Houston, the stakes are no different and the opportunity to make history and have our voices be heard is the closest that it has ever been.

We will be visiting polls all day to share our Progressive message. If you like to join us, please email us back with the time and location of the poll you would like us to visit and we’ll meet you there.

In the meantime, spread the word. Share all of our social media info with your friends and family. Donate to our campaign.
And most of all: GO OUT AND VOTE!

Tell everyone you know to exercise their right to vote and let's help the Progressive movement in Houston claim its first victory!

Vote for Stevens Orozco for Houston's 18th U.S. Congressional District.


Stevens Orozco,
Congressional Candidate, TX-18


Your contribution helps our campaign grow!