It has been chaos from the beginning.


The House Speaker, Republican Kevin McCarthy, was removed from office for the first time in American history. Let’s be honest — the House is in disarray, and our democracy is in jeopardy.

While Democrats are willing to take unprecedented steps to accomplish meaningful work, Republicans are preoccupied with blaming Democrats and fueling their money machine by holding the American people hostage.

John, I made the difficult decision to vote out the Speaker because I am committed to preserving our democracy. Kevin McCarthy refused to work with Democrats, and yet expected our support. I’ve been working around the clock to deliver for Oregonians. It’s about time we had a Speaker working for the good of the American people.

Join me today in honoring our integrity to protect our democracy by signing your name.


Republicans are accusing Democrats of forsaking the institution, but the claim is both absurd and disheartening. While the GOP resorts to self-deception and continues to mislead the American people, let the truth be told: They failed in their duty and abandoned their responsibilities for political gain.

John, even in these times of chaos, I won’t cave in, and I won’t compromise my values as an everyday American.
