Honoring Wyoming Energy Workers 
Every single day Wyoming energy producers work long hours in tough conditions to keep the lights on in our homes and our cars on the road. 
Their hard work is often unappreciated and demonized by costal elites that dream of banning fossil fuels and making the Green New Deal a reality. 
In Wyoming, we know and appreciate the vital role these hardworking men and women play in powering the simple luxuries of modern life that many people take for granted. That is why I led a resolution with 11 of my colleagues to designate October 4th, 2023, as National Energy Appreciation Day to celebrate the miners, oil workers and others who power our nation. 
Highlighting the importance of Wyoming energy has never been more critical. President Biden’s war on domestic energy has skyrocketed gas prices to nearly $4.00 a gallon in Wyoming, depleted America’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve to its lowest level in 40 years and forced our nation to import oil from hostile foreign countries.
Wyoming accounts for nearly 10% of all energy produced in our nation, and we have the resources right here in the Cowboy State to return our country to energy independence if President Biden took his boot off the energy industry’s neck. 
Let’s celebrate Wyoming energy workers and recognize the vital role they play. 
Happy Trails,
Senator Lummis' Week in Pictures
The Huntsman Cancer Institute came to Washington and sat down with my team to discuss how we can expand and improve cancer treatment in Wyoming and tackle some of the unique challenges of rural medicine.

I joined the Heritage Foundation and the Independent Women’s Forum for a discussion about my resolution to designate October 4th, 2023, as National Energy Appreciation Day and how we can unleash Wyoming energy producers and restore America’s energy independence. 


Legislative Actions:

  •  I joined Senator Rick Scott (R-FL) and 18 of my colleagues in sending a letter to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer demanding that he present a plan for how the Senate will take up and pass the 12 appropriations bills already approved by the Senate Appropriations Committee in a manner that respects an open amendment process and avoids a December omnibus spending package. 
    • Congress needs to stop governing by bloated omnibus deals that have put our nation $33 trillion in debt and actually sit down and pass a balanced budget.
    • Every single household and business in Wyoming has to live within its means, it is long past time for Congress to as well.

Working for Wyoming:

President Biden’s open-border agenda has been a complete disaster. He has turned over control of the southwest border to murderous drug cartels and allowed 10,000 illegal immigrants to enter our country every day. 

Every three months, the amount of illegal aliens entering our country is equal to the entire population of the state of Wyoming. The 7.6 million illegal immigrants that have illegally entered our country during President Biden's presidency would form the 14th largest state in the nation. 

Enough is enough. I am working in Washington to end this madness by finishing the border wall and giving Border Patrol the resources it needs to fight back against the cartels. There have been a lot of conversations in Washington about defending Ukraine’s borders, but we cannot forget about our own. 

The Department of Energy (DOE) announced $27 million in grant funding for carbon capture technology programs. While we know that Wyoming energy is the cleanest energy in the world, carbon capture helps further reduce carbon dioxide emissions. 
DOE expects to make up to nine awards for up to $3 million each with a minimum of a 20% cost-sharing from the awardees. Eligible applicants include individuals, institutions of higher education, for- and non-profit organizations, state and local governments and Indian tribes.
For complete details please click here.
Worland native Jay Richard grows large pumpkins, very large pumpkins. This year his biggest pumpkin, Joanie, weighs in at 1,686 pounds and recently took first place in a competition in Littleton, Colorado. Now Jay has his sights set on winning the Wyoming state championship. 
The championship measures the heaviest pumpkins in the Cowboy State and even requires a 175-foot crane to hoist the giant pumpkins onto the scale. I wish all the Wyoming pumpkin growers the best of luck at the weigh in!

Photo courtesy of Cowboy State Daily. 


1285 Sheridan Avenue, Suite 215
Cody, WY 82414
Phone: 307-527-9444

Federal Center
2120 Capitol Avenue, Suite 2007
Cheyenne, WY 82001
Phone: 307-772-2477

Dick Cheney Federal Bldg.
100 East B Street, Suite 3201
PO Box 33201
Casper, WY 82601
Phone: 307-261-6572

120 North 4th Street (769)
P.O. Box 769
Sundance, WY 82729
Phone: 307-283-3461

Star Valley
80 1st Street
Suite 105
P.O. Box 1630
Afton, WY 83110
Phone: 307-248-1736

Washington, DC
Russell Senate Office Building
Room SR 127A
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202-224-3424

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