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Happy Friday from #OneUtah, a weekly update from the office of Gov. Spencer J. Cox. Reply to this email with any questions or suggestions regarding the newsletter. And thank you for subscribing!

One Utah Summit

This week we joined leaders across Utah in Cedar City for the rural One Utah Summit! 

We continue to spread the word about our Disagree Better initiative that encourages all to be builders, not destroyers. The divisions we’re seeing in our country are dangerous and we can’t continue down this path of toxic polarization. We have a civic responsibility to care about our neighbors and work through our differences to find solutions. That’s the Utah Way. 


Some personal highlights from this year’s summit: 

  • Sitting down with NFL legend Steve Young and Utah’s first lady to discuss lessons Steve learned from the locker room to the board room about healthy conflict.

  • Talking with best-selling author Charles C.W. Cooke, a senior writer for National Review, who spoke eloquently about the role healthy conflict has played in American history.  

  • Judging the annual State Bank Business Challenge, Utah’s version of Shark Tank.

  • Visiting with so many other talented civic, business and thought leaders about the great things happening in our state.

Thanks to Southern Utah University for an amazing two days! We look forward to next year.

Rural Report 

Ensuring the success of rural Utah continues to be a priority for our administration. We’re pleased that the Rural Affairs Quarterly Report is reflecting progress in those communities. 

Some highlights include: 

  • The Rural Communities Opportunity Grant provided $6 million to 18 communities in FY23.

  • Capital investment announced in FY23 amounts to more than $1.2 billion, which is more than double the capital investment between 2017-2021 that rural Utah saw from state incentives. 

  • 67% of the Tourism CO-OP marketing grants ($3.4 million) were given to rural counties in FY23.

  • DEQ provided $54 million in financial assistance to support drinking and wastewater projects April and June 2023.

  • The CDBG Policy Committee approved 38 new projects throughout rural Utah, totaling $7,175,334.

  • DNR’s trails crew program improved 350 miles of trail in FY23. 

Such great news for rural Utah! View the full report here.

#DisagreeBetter: Come visit the Beehive State

We’re practicing what we’re preaching when it comes to disagreeing better! 

This week we were sent a news clip from CBS Texas where anchor Keith Russell shared on the air why he would never visit Utah. So, we sent him a video personally inviting him to the Beehive State and highlighting a few things Utah has to offer! You can watch his response clip here.

One Utah Summit: The power of service

During her remarks at the One Utah Summit, Lt. Gov. Henderson introduced a new initiative to engage Utah’s next generation in their communities by incorporating service into their high school experiences. Stay tuned for more details.

She also spoke on leadership principles that she has learned so far in her career and how to apply those principles in a crisis or conflict. We appreciate her leadership in our state!

Fall in Utah’s National Parks 

Need a weekend getaway in nature? Utah’s Mighty Five national parks are home to some of the most beautiful scenery in the world, and as the leaves continue to change color, the beauty of the parks grows. 

Visit Utah highlights ways here that you can visit the Mighty Five and see some quality fall leaves!


  • Last week we spoke at The Atlantic Festival with staff writer McKay Coppins about how we can bridge political divides. Watch our full remarks at the link above.

Coming up

  • Oct. 9: It’s Columbus Day – our office will be closed.

  • Oct. 10: Join us for a press conference about social media Live stream will be available on X, Facebook and YouTube at 10 a.m. Tune in!

  • Oct. 11: Excited to attend the E2 Summit.

  • Oct. 12: Looking forward to welcoming the Ambassador of Mexico to the great state of Utah.

  • Oct. 13: We’re attending the Faith Matters conference in Sandy.

Get involved!

Looking for a new job opportunity? From great employee benefits to versatile work schedules, the career opportunities with the state are truly endless. Join Team Utah today

Those looking to volunteer can also consider more than 300 boards and commissions. Find out which openings are available and how you can get involved here!

Get in touch!

You can reach the Governor's Office here. And you can follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and  YouTube for the latest news and updates.
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