here if this email is hard to read. If you no
longer want to receive these updates, click here.
Happy October! Although it’s been
unseasonably warm this week, fall festivities are in full swing around
the Ward (just take a look at the list below). It was great to start
Wednesday morning seeing so many Ward 6 families at Walk & Bike
& Roll to School Day. I’ve had a busy few weeks at the Council and
across Ward 6 with a couple of important hearings, a full-Council
Legislative Meeting, block
parties, safety walks, and more - and I’ve been doing it all
without driving as a part of National
Week Without Driving (more
Also, the Washington
Post's Fall Dining Guide is out, and you might recognize a few
Ward 6 businesses, including one located inside Eastern Market and
another just across the street. Congrats to both for the recognition
across the entire region!
Quick Links: Street Safety
Hearing | Week Without Driving
| Public Safety Update | Recruiting and Retaining 911 Call Takers and
Dispatchers | More Great Streets in Ward
6 | Improving DC's Probate System | Hearing on Heat and A/C in Apartments | SE Community Walk on 10/19 | WMATA Update | Clear Lanes
Enforcement Delay | Garfield Park
Update | Solidarity with Our Downtown Building
Cleaners | ERAP Applications Open | Changes to the FAFSA | Major
Environmental Justice Settlement | 8th
St. Priority Bus Project | Fall Fun in
Ward 6
Hearing on Legislation to Improve Street Safety and
Hold Dangerous Drivers Accountable

On Wednesday I co-chaired an all-day public hearing to
consider four bills to strengthen the District's ability to curb
dangerous driving - an issue I regularly hear about from neighbors in
every part of the Ward and across the city. More than 20 Advisory
Neighborhood Commissioners testified from every single ward, with
great input on how we can better crack down on dangerous drivers.
The four bills include my STEER
Act, as well as legislation looking at ways to prevent someone
from driving after multiple DUIs, working to eliminate fake license
plates and temporary tags, and improving the effectiveness of our ATE
camera program. The hearing comes as the District has already passed
the number of traffic deaths from all of last year combined.
Overwhelmingly, these incidents involve drivers that are going too
fast. I want to thank everyone who testified, as well as many of my
Council colleagues (especially Councilmember Nadeau who co-chaired the
hearing, and Councilmember Henderson who introduced some of the bills
we heard about) for joining the conversation. I'll note we did not
hear from DDOT or the Deputy Mayor for Operations and Infrastructure -
a separate hearing for their testimony will be scheduled, likely in
early November. I'll include all of that information in a future
newsletter. More
from WUSA 9.
Related: As I mentioned above, I'm
participating in National
Week Without Driving. As the
Chair of the Council's Committee on Transportation and the
Environment, it's always good to experience different modes of
transit. Although I normally bike, take the bus, or Metro to work,
this week's challenge reiterated the importance of trying out
different modes and routes - and the challenges and privileges some
have using those modes and routes. I'm reflecting on my commute every
day on Twitter, and Greater Greater Washington will publish a transit
diary I've been keeping when the week is over. Follow along for
updates and my takes on how we can improve accessibility and service
for bus, rail, walking, and biking.
Public Safety Update

Earlier this week, I joined neighbors in Northwest One for a
conversation about how to improve public safety in a neighborhood
undergoing massive changes and still with a lot of need. As always, a
big thanks to Commissioner Denise Blackson for bringing us all
together. Last week, the Council’s Committee on the Judiciary and
Public Safety held a hearing on the nomination of Acting MPD Chief
Pamela Smith for the permanent role. I asked her about her plans for
MPD to better coordinate with other city agencies, how officers are
deployed across neighborhoods, the role of USAO, and more. I
was glad to see so many passionate members of the public
come to testify and speak not just to the MPD nomination, but with
thoughts and ideas for how we address public safety from all angles.
You can watch
the full hearing here if you missed
The hearing came as the District marked 200 homicides, a grim
milestone representing significant loss and trauma. And a reminder
that the status quo isn't working - we have to think differently. I
spent time this summer in St. Louis meeting with their violence
reduction and public safety leaders to see how another city approaches
this awful challenge - so far this year, they've seen a 22 percent
decrease in homicides over last year. I was impressed by the level of
coordination and communication between law enforcement and non-law
enforcement agencies, including weekly shooting reviews to compare
notes and coordinate action. That's a requirement I included in this
summer's emergency public safety legislation passed by the Council. We
won't see the kind of change we all want in gun violence and violent
crime until there's a true whole of government approach that centers
after-action reviews and focuses on the relatively small and
identifiable number of people who commit most gun violence.
I also had the chance to meet with union representatives from
AFSCME last week, which represents many government workers. As we
talked about gun violence, one gentleman made the observation that our
Child and Family Services Agency has 40 vacancies for case managers --
these are positions tasked with thousands of home visits to vulnerable
children and teens that are at risk and experiencing violence. That
strikes me as an urgent challenge that's clearly connected to public
safety. What does 40 vacant case workers translate into? More than a
thousand home visits to at-risk children and teens per month that
simply aren't happening. Young people who commit violence often have
family instability or trauma and abuse in their past or present, and
if we're not reaching them, we're going to be dealing with the
consequences for a long time. That's just one example of what a whole
of government approach to public safety looks like -- and the very
real impact of the staffing shortages that governments across the
country are experiencing right now.
Ward 6 Public Safety Updates
Shooting at 7th and G Street SE: On Tuesday,
October 3, there was gunfire around 7th and G Streets, SE and I've
spoken with a number of neighbors who are understandably looking for
information. I'm sharing what I've received from my communications
with First District Commander Hall. MPD responded to those sounds of
gunshots, and they immediately found the gun, which appeared to have
been ditched quickly, as well as shell casings. On their initial
search, MPD didn't find anyone injured or any property damage but
after a subsequent search, they found that one vehicle had some damage
to it from what they said was a single shot. Fortunately no one was
injured. MPD also reported to me that they were able to quickly get
images and video and are working to ID the suspects. I specifically
asked the Commander if it showed whether the suspects might be
students with a school uniform or school colors on, but while he
shared that the video and images clearly show two individuals, they
are not wearing any school-related clothing or colors. However,
Commander Hall was very optimistic about the quality of video and
their investigation is moving forward to identify the suspects.
Nevertheless, gun shots ringing out in any community when you have
every right and expectation of being able to walk about safely are
deeply traumatic, regardless of whether physical injury or damage
Drug arrest at 1300 H St: In continuing to
highlight the need for ongoing enforcement against illegal drug
activity, I'm happy to share MPD made an arrest of someone
distributing crack cocaine along H Street NE this week. This came
following tips from residents that we were able to share with MPD, and
then strategic action by the 1D officers. Drug addiction is a serious
public health crisis, but selling it - especially larger amounts - to
our most vulnerable neighbors must have consequences.
Shooting at The Point in Southwest: There was a
scary and serious shooting Monday night outside of The Point at
Southwest that appeared to be highly targeted toward the victims based
on MPD's initial reports. MPD has arrested one suspect so far. I'll
share more as I learn, but this kind of reckless behavior is beyond
First District Officers Honored with Lifesaving
Medals: Two members of MPD's First District - Reserve
Officer Dominic Strada and Officer Michael Russo - were honored for
their response to the 1200 block of I Street, SE, this past August
after a report of a shooting. Their quick work to provide first aid at
the scene stabilized the shooting victim. Congratulations, Officers,
and thank you for your quick thinking!
New Bill: First-Time Homebuyer Incentives to Recruit and Retain
More 911 Call Takers and Dispatchers
Related to public safety, this week I
introduced a bill to improve recruitment and retention at our Office
of Unified Communications, which runs our 911 Call Center and has been
dangerously understaffed. Understaffing not only leads to burnout and
turnover, it means calls aren't answered as quickly and response times
are delayed -- and we know seconds are critical. As of September 1,
2023, OUC had a vacancy rate of 19.2% and reported that approximately
40% of work shifts in August were short-staffed. The agency is central
to our public safety efforts, and we need to do everything we can to
bring on good candidates and keep them there. So this week, I
introduced legislation that will make call-takers and dispatchers
eligible for the Employer-Assisted
Housing Program (EAHP) program, which is a DC government program
that provides down payment and closing cost assistance to our
employees. If they sign a five-year service commitment, they'll get an
additional $10,000 to put toward their first home in the District just
like other first responders (an incentive I created a few years back
in the budget). This expansion is a win-win: we retain employees who
live in the District, and they invest in the city and build
generational wealth. More
from WUSA 9.
New Bill: More "Great Streets" In Ward 6
In my efforts to continue to ensure Ward 6 has great local
businesses, I introduced
a bill a few weeks ago to designate several Ward 6 corridors as
“Retail Priority Areas” eligible to take advantage of the District's
Great Streets program. Great Streets provides
financial incentives, technical support, and strategic investments to
local businesses, helping drive economic growth and improve quality of
life in the designated areas. Currently, the H Street Corridor is the
only Retail Priority Area in Ward 6. The Mount
Vernon Triangle/Eastern Market/Barracks Row Great Streets
Neighborhood Retail Priority Amendment Act of 2023 will extend this
designation to Mount Vernon Triangle, Eastern Market, along
Pennsylvania Avenue, and Barracks Row to open up opportunities for
Ward 6 businesses.
New Bill: Improving Probate and Wills for Equity Among All
This week, I also introduced a bill to reform the probate process
of collecting, distributing, and administering someone's assets after
they've passed away. Anyone who has lost a loved one knows how
difficult dealing with the immediate aftermath is, and then dealing
with the complex probate process on top of that can be nearly
impossible. And in the District, our residents navigate probate
without an attorney in 35% of large estate cases and 97% of small
estate cases! So I'm introducing a bill to make a series of reforms
based on recommendations
from the Council for Court Excellence and the District's Access to
Justice Commission like streamlining the appointment of
representatives for estates, creating an electronic will registry,
increasing allowable reimbursement rates for funeral expenses, and
Do you live in an apartment building where the heat
and A/C switch happens automatically? There's a hearing for you!
An issue I hear about every year is apartment buildings
switching to and from heat at the wrong time each year, creating
uncomfortable living until the weather actually cools off. There's
legislation before the Council to change that, given that often the
heat kicks on while the temperature is still too warm. I'm holding a
hearing on the bill, introduced by my colleague Christina Henderson,
on Thursday, October 12. Learn
more, and sign up to testify.
Southeast Community Walk & Talk

Southeast neighbors: Join officers from MPD’s First District,
ANC 6B, and my team on Thursday, October 19, at 6 pm for a community
safety walk. Whether you have specific neighborhood concerns or want
to just come say hello, we’d love for you to join. We’ll meet at the
Triangle Park at 13th and I St.
WMATA Fiscal Cliff Update
my last newsletter, I talked a bit about WMATA’s
“fiscal cliff,” the upcoming operating funding shortfall of about $750
million per year, beginning next fiscal year. Last week, WMATA
announced it had identified a few ways to close some of this gap with
measures like reducing money spent on consultants, consolidating call
centers, and conducting its own police training. Additionally, it
provided the WMATA board with three options for moving money from its
capital budget into the operating budget as a way to reduce the amount
needed from DC, Virginia, and Maryland to fully address the funding
As I explained in the video
I shared after the plans were released, I remain
skeptical about these options. It means the capital budget would then
start facing an earlier than expected shortfall, and we’d be forced to
delay modernizations, repairs, cut back spending on the planned new
rail cars and zero-emission buses, and other projects. As I’ve said
before, this entire situation is the sign of a deeper structural
problem with how we fund WMATA. Instead of putting a band-aid over it
to get us to the next year, I’m committed to using this as an
opportunity to strengthen WMATA and transit in the region
for the future. There haven’t been any decisions made regarding the
proposals from WMATA yet, but I will be sure to keep you updated as we
learn more. Read
the write-up from the Post.
Delay of Clear Bus Lanes Enforcement
DDOT announced
a few weeks ago that it would be delaying enforcement of the
"Clear Lanes" initiative, which is supposed to fine drivers for
driving or idling in the painted red "bus only" lanes using cameras
mounted on the buses. The lanes have been painted and the cameras are
mounted, so I am not sure why enforcement is being pushed, especially
after an extensive warning period that sent violators notices, but not
fines. As
reported by DCist, bus service has been slower, and the buses have
been more crowded. Enforcing the bus-only lanes is meant to help
address this problem. I
sent a letter to DDOT and WMATA asking for a detailed explanation,
but DDOT has not yet responded. We'll continue to push on this
Update on Garfield Park Improvements
Improving Garfield Park has long been a priority for me and many
neighbors. Over the last few budget cycles, I've been able to add
funding to rehab the park and
playground, and keep progress moving on the vision of a better
connection under the freeway. I've been frustrated by the pace of work
by the DC government agencies, but I recently got an update that both
helps explain why we haven't seen the action we want and what steps
they're implementing.
In short, the contractor that the Department of General
Services had hired to complete this project is no longer able to
fulfill their contract. That is forcing DGS to cancel the contract,
find a new contractor, and restart the work. That likely means the
work is delayed until this winter. If there's a glimmer of good news,
much of the replacement playground equipment had been ordered, and
when the new contractor is selected, they'll be able to complete the
installation without having to start that process from scratch. So
while this is frustrating and disappointing news, I wanted to share
the latest with you from DGS now that they've responded to our
questions about why things haven't been moving faster. As I get a more
specific update and timeline, I'll be sure to share those with
Standing with 32BJ SEIU Fighting for a Better
On Monday, I joined members of 32BJ SEIU as they
rallied and marched downtown to highlight their fight for a fair
contract. The union is made up of office cleaners, many of whom are
immigrants, who are part of the backbone of downtown and have been
critical to our post-pandemic recovery and efforts to bring workers
back. Without 32BJ, there is no downtown economic recovery. While the
workers are prepared to strike, there are a couple weeks left for both
sides to negotiate before the current contract expires on October
15th, and I hope they can reach an agreement on a fair contract that
includes the wages and benefits these workers deserve.
ERAP Applications Are Back Open, Notable Changes
After initial funding ran out and applications closed in March, the
District's Emergency Rental Assistance Program started accepting
applications again on October 1. Residents can
apply for ERAP online or call the ERAP Hotline at 202-507-6666 to
get support in submitting applications. You can also call the hotline
and email [email protected]
for inquiries or to follow up on a submitted application.
Please note that DHS plans to close the portal once 3,500
applications are received in each quarter, and then reopen the portal
at the beginning of the next quarter on January 1, April 1, and July
1, 2024. That's a big departure, but it's meant to try to be sure
funding remains throughout the year. See
ERAP's FAQs for more info.
Changes to the FAFSA Form for Student Loans This
For parents and guardians with high school seniors and others
applying to college: heads up that the Department of Education is
rolling out changes to the 2024-25 FAFSA, the Free Application for
Federal Student Aid. Because of this, the application will not be
available until December, instead of the regular October 1 opening.
Learn more.
The District is Getting a Major Settlement with
PEPCO Over Anacostia Pollution
On Tuesday, the Attorney General announced a major settlement
between the District and PEPCO for $57 million. The District had sued
PEPCO and others for knowingly polluting the Anacostia with toxic
chemicals that have proven to be harmful to humans and the
environment. This is a big, big deal -- in fact, it's the largest
environmental settlement ever received by the District. The funds will
be used primarily for clean up of the river, and I applaud Attorney
General Schwalb for his commitment to fighting for environmental
justice for the District. Read
more from DCist.
8th Street Priority Bus Project
I want to remind you that comments are open until October 10
for DDOT's 8th Street Priority Bus Project that I mentioned in my
last newsletter. The project would speed up bus service on 8th
Street SE between East Capitol Street, SE and M Street, SE, which
serves WMATA's 90 + 92 lines and two Circulator routes, moving 3,000
bus riders daily. The proposal notably includes some significant
changes for Barracks Row, so read about the project and submit
comments here if you have feedback.
Fall Events in Ward 6
I might be biased, but I think Ward 6 has the best
fall activities in the District. Just take a look at the impressive
list below! We’ve got something for everyone in every
Southwest Mutt Strutt (10/7): This
Saturday, bring your pup to Southwest DC Community Center’s 2nd
Annual Mutt Strutt and Pups in the Park Celebration!
There will be a two-mile “strut” around the neighborhood, ending in
Lansburgh Park for a party with a pet costume contest, pet
photographer, pet portraits, and more!
Fall Festival (10/7): stop by Frager's Garden Center for
a free, fun-filled, all-ages event and Children's National Hospital
fundraiser with pumpkin carving, a cookout, and apple cider.
Southwest Fall Fest this Sunday (10/8):
The Southwest Fall Festival was rescheduled to
this Sunday! Get ready to embrace the cozy vibes of autumn on October
8 from 10am-5pm with fun fall activities, delicious treats, and a
festive atmosphere! Book Bazaar starts at 10am, and all activities
start at 1 pm. Details
and RSVP.
JO Wilson Fall Festival (10/18):
Join the JO Wilson community for pumpkin decorating, fall activities,
a bake sale, and a Halloween-themed movie. And remember to order
your pumpkin ahead of time.
with NoMa BID (10/26): Not technically in Ward 6, but in
the neighborhood for our Northeast folks. Pick your own pumpkin (free
while supplies last, one per person), face painting, dog portraits,
costume parade, a Hocus Pocus screening, and more!
(10/27): Capitol Hill's premier annual Halloween festival is
back at Eastern Market from 5-8pm on Friday, October 27.
MVT Fall Fun Day (10/28): Join the Mount Vernon
Triangle CID at Milian Park (499 Massachusetts Avenue, NW) on
Saturday, October 28 from 10am-noon for a morning of free family fun
including the Little Monsters Parade, dog costume contest, mini
pumpkin patch, apple cider, face painting, and more!
Spooktacular Halloween at Lansburgh Park
(10/31) Join the Southwest BID again in a few
weeks at Lansburgh Park for a Halloween
bash of food, thrilling activities, music, and
Are you a neighborhood/community organization hosting a fun fall
event in Ward 6 that's free and open to the public? Send the details
to Casey on my team at [email protected], and
we'll try to spread the word.
Related: Are you decorating your house
for Halloween? The Hill is Home is bringing back their Spooky Hill is
Home Halloween decoration map!
Fill out this form and check THIH later this month for the map of
neighborhood decorations.
Alright, that's all from me for this week. Just a reminder
that since Monday is Indigenous People's Day, Monday trash collection
slides to Tuesday, and most other city offices are closed. If you have
the day off in observance of the holiday, I encourage you to go on a
tour around the city using this "Guide
to Indigenous DC" or take a few minutes to read some of the
history of the Native
Peoples of Washington DC.
See you around the neighborhood,
Charles Allen
