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ASBN is committed to working with and alongside our network to develop and elevate the policy solutions needed for inclusive and long-lasting systems change -- thank you all for your part in advancing our mission.

ASBN's state affiliate, Pennsylvania Sustainable Business Network is launching a manufacturing campaign to help raise awareness of the importance of sustainable manufacturing and to encourage businesses to adopt more sustainable practices. Learn how they are using the Inflation Reduction Act to support this cause here.

ASBN’s Working Groups and Task Forces provide members with an ongoing opportunity to shape and engage in policy work that is organized around major issue areas (e.g. energy/environment, tax reform, safer chemicals, responsible workplace, etc.) and to support specific campaigns. 

Check out last month's Working group updates. To learn more about working groups and other benefits of ASBN membership, click here.

Working group: Democracy
Guest speaker Sean Soendker Nicholson, the Director of "Citizens Not Politicians," graced our Working Group meeting this month with valuable insights. He shared an exciting campaign taking place in Ohio, focusing on a ballot initiative that seeks to constitutionally mandate the establishment of an independent citizen redistricting commission. We also discussed gerrymandering and how independent redistricting is a potential solution as Ohio prepares to make this a ballot question.

Working group: Regenerative Ag
In September, the Regenerative Agriculture and Justice working group hosted two exciting guest speakers: Sara Nicholas of Pennsylvania Sustainable Agriculture (PASA) and Steven Keleti, a State Soil Health Legislation expert. Steven provided an update on state-level bills supporting regenerative soil health practices (see a map of state bills here). While Sara shared a recent win in Pennsylvania's sustainable agriculture and soil health program. ASBN and PASA are collaborating on a joint farmer-business letter to secure permanent funding for this program, with plans to replicate it for our working group's members in other states. Additionally, we discussed the final Farm Bill Platform.

Working group: Climate and energy
In the Climate and Energy working group we discussed the California Climate Corporate Data Accountability Act, which will require all businesses in California with over $1B in revenue to report on greenhouse gas emissions across their entire supply chain by 2027. This is a major step towards transparency of carbon emissions and will benefit businesses for several reasons highlighted in ASBN's Business Case for Carbon Labeling.

Working group: Livable plant
In NYC at the annual Climate Week event, Livable Planet Working Group members joined together on Umpire Rock in Central Park to learn about the global reforestation efforts and to share insights gleaned from Climate Week events.

Working group: ASBN- bizNGO
The ASBN Biz-NGO working group discussed the upcoming International Conference on Chemical Management (ICCM5).  Members also shared comments submitted in response to the potential expansion of the EPA Safer Choice Program and state and federal bills on PFAS and cosmetics. 

Seeking Impactful Ventures - Apply to Present
Investors Circle welcomes seed stage startups focused on making social and/or environmental impact. Apply here to present to our group of impact investors.

Upcoming Meeting Schedule
National & New York chapters: Oct 19, 12pm EST/9am PST.
Philadelphia chapter: Oct 11, 2- 4:30pm EST in person with virtual options for remote participants.

If you are an investor and would like to join a meeting, please email [email protected]

Upcoming Events

Oct 18, 1- 2 PM EST, ASBN Live Series: The Racial Justice Collaborative - Driving Systemic Change Through Integrated Restorative Capital. Join us for a one-hour webinar to learn about the innovative work of the Racial Justice Collaborative including their initiatives in community building, restorative investing, resource and knowledge sharing. In our hour together, we will also cover how this effort will provide flexible, patient capital and support to marginalized communities and ultimately disrupt systemic economic disparities. Register in advance for this meeting here.

Oct 25-26th, Washington, D.C. - Join us for the Inaugural Childhood Cancer Prevention Symposium at the Children's National Research and Innovation Campus. This exciting event brings together experts, researchers, and advocates to discuss the latest advancements and strategies in preventing childhood cancer. With a focus on prevention, the Symposium aims to raise awareness and promote collaboration in the fight against this devastating disease with keynote speaker Azra Raza, MD, Columbia University and author of The First Cell and The Human Costs of Pursuing Cancer to the Last. Don't miss this unique opportunity to learn from renowned speakers, engage in thought-provoking discussions, and connect with like-minded individuals. Learn more here.

November 2 or Nov 14, 2pm EST, GRANT OPPORTUNITY FOR BUSINESSES webinar | In support of the Inflation Reduction Act, this grant program is to support businesses that manufacture construction materials and products to develop and verify Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs), and to states, Indian Tribes, and nonprofit organizations that will support such businesses. Attend this informational webinar to learn more. 

Nov 29- Dec 1st, Berkeley, CA | ASBN’s Annual Conference- Open to the public. Join us for three days of daily engaging main stage sessions, action-oriented breakout workshops, deep dives, local Berkeley excursions, and lots of time to connect and network in person! Learn more & register today!

For more information on upcoming events, visit ASBN's 2023 events calendar.
Please contact Thulasi Sivalingam at [email protected] with any questions.

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