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Dear friend,

I'm thrilled to invite you to our upcoming exhibition, ‘It’s the debt that you owe’: debt, colonialism, and resistance’.

Date: 8 – 17 November
Location: Peckham Levels, 96a Rye Lane, London, SE15 4ST

This is a multidisciplinary art exhibition that explores how the legacy of colonialism has led to the debt crisis of today. It features new work by artists with personal connections to countries that have a history of colonialism or are currently in debt crisis.

‘It’s the debt that you owe’: debt, colonialism, and resistance’ aims to inspire and engage critical thinking campaigners like you, friend and the wider public through a diverse range of artistic expressions, from paintings and sculptures to digital art and installations.

Right now, there are 54 countries in debt crisis. It's only by understanding the causes and long-term impact of this crisis that we can build the creative campaigns we need to win debt cancellation.

Our opening night launch on 8 November at 7:30pm and will feature opportunities to meet the artists, enjoy refreshments, and immerse yourself in the world of creativity. We would love to see you there!

Space is limited, so be sure to RSVP and secure your spot. Peckham Levels has kindly granted us a refreshment token for the first 50 to register – so don’t miss out.

If you have any questions or need additional information, please just get in touch. I look forward to sharing our first Debt Justice exhibition with you, friend.

Thank you for your continued support,
In solidarity,
Skye, Zak, Eva and all at Debt Justice

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