Call Congress to prevent 3.2 million workers from losing their child care.

Hi John,


In just a few days, millions of working parents could see their child care programs close or their fees increase if Congress does not act to extend enhanced resources as child care funding drops off the proverbial cliff.

This would have ripple effects across the economy as valuable child care workers are laid off, leave jobs or have their hours cut back. As a nation, we already experienced the effects of lost child care back in 2020 and 2021, and there’s no reason to repeat this.

Will you take a moment to call your senators and representative? Call 866-832-1560 to be connected now.

A photo of a toddler holding his mother’s hand outside a day care center.

Ask senators and representatives to co-sponsor the Child Care Stabilization Act, which would extend enhanced funding for child care programs over the next five years, that will increase wages for child care workers and expand the supply of quality, affordable child care, especially in communities facing shortages.


The Century Foundation, an independent research organization dedicated to equity, created a useful map that details exactly how many child care programs are set to close in your state. We suggest you reference your state numbers when making the call.

Call your legislators before Sept. 30 to prevent more than 3 million working parents from losing access to child care nationwide.

Together we can help workers work and children thrive while strengthening our communities.

In Solidarity,


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