Eldon town hall, abortion initiative, new plans. Read on for the news.



A lot of news!

Live from Turkey Fest!

Liberty Belle and I will be at the Eldon Turkey Fest parade in the morning, and then we'll host a live streamed, uncensored town hall from the Miller County Democrats' booth. Come visit or watch online at EladGross.live, on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Twitch, or LinkedIn!


If you would like to have one of our town halls in your area, let us know just by replying to this email.

Abortion Initiative Petition News

Yesterday, a judge in Cole County issued a big ruling on the abortion initiative petitions still stuck in legal limbo. The judge had to rewrite the whole summary language submitted by Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft because the previous wording was biased and deceptive.


The judge also ruled on a separate case challenging the estimated cost of the initiative. Previously, the state Auditor determined that the initiatives would cost $0 to implement. Attorney General Andrew Bailey wanted the initiatives to cost billions of dollars. When the Auditor disagreed, Bailey refused to certify the initiatives, which resulted in a several month delay and the Missouri Supreme Court having to tell Bailey to do his job.


Two Republican legislators filed a lawsuit asking the court to use Bailey's cost estimate. The judge ruled against them.


They're all appealing, so we're still likely weeks away from having an initiative petition that can be circulated.


These folks are using every tool at their disposal to delay the process so Missourians have less time to collect signatures, less chance to put the issue to a vote, and less opportunity to exercise our constitutional right to access the ballot. These tactics could be used by any disingenuous Attorney General on any issue they disagree with, subverting our right to vote.


Reason #1,637 why we need a new Attorney General.


Stay tuned. We'll keep you updated.

A Fresh Start after Yom Kippur

Tasha's favorite holiday is Yom Kippur. Probably because I'm the only one fasting.


This year, Rabbi Noah Arnow of Kol Rinah focused his dvar (Hebrew for "word" and the cool way of saying "dvar Torah") on an analogy between casting off sins and throwing away plastic. Our wrongdoings always have a lasting impact, even when they are "away," because there really is no "away."


He talked a lot about landfills, an issue that touches us wherever we live in our state, and one that can't be separated from the nuclear waste Missouri is still dealing with decades after the Manhattan Project. In fact, the Bridgeton Landfill that the rabbi discovered is his trash's resting place is one of those nuclear dumping grounds, and it is home to a smoldering underground fire that has been a big focus of environmental litigation in our state.


Our fresh starts aren't ever really fresh. We come with new approaches, new ideas, new motivation, but the past doesn't go away, no matter how much folks wish it would. Its remnants are permanent.


Today, we have finalized several plans for our state government designed to give Missouri a fresh start without forgetting where we came from and where we are today. Plans to bring back a Conservation Division at the office, to support workers, to protect our civil liberties, to serve our often forgotten veterans, to build safer communities for our kids.


Each of these plans was made with input from folks just like you, and we're proud to share them with you.

Fundraising Deadline

Our campaign has a fundraising reporting deadline coming up at the end of the month. And while showing how much support we have is important, I've got something more important:


Dog photos.


But more important than that, we're interviewing Missourians to work for our campaign right now.

We have a record number of volunteers ready to go, and we need funding to put them to work.


Whether it's $1, $100, or $1000,?I want you to be a part of what we're building together. Can you help us get there?