I’ll keep this quick


Friend, I’ll keep this quick — we need 59 donations to keep our fundraising on track for tomorrow’s monthly deadline.

I’m counting on you to pitch in because I’m not taking corporate PAC money. I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t so important.


Thank you,

----------Forwarded message----------

From: Teresa Tomlinson
Subject: Georgia is where Republicans are making their stand
Date: Fri, Feb 28, 11:31 AM ET

Friend, in just a moment I’m going to ask you to make a donation before this month’s deadline, but first, I need to explain why your contributions are so important.

Mitch McConnell and his Republican Senate majority have a stranglehold on every law that is passed in Washington. By controlling the federal courts, cutting taxes for the wealthy, and making life harder for working people, they are using their power to advance the interests of billionaires and the corporate interests who finance their campaigns before anyone else.

This helps Donald Trump, who has personally made David Perdue’s re-election his top Senate priority in 2020.

Trump knows both of their electoral fortunes will be decided by how Georgia votes in November — where not one but TWO U.S. Senate seats will be decided.

Polling shows Perdue’s approval rating below 50%, and support for Democrats is surging throughout the state. Georgia is THE battleground state where Republicans are making their stand — and we have the opportunity to defeat them.

The latest polling has our race within THREE PERCENT, so here’s the ask: Will you donate right now and help me end McConnell’s majority once and for all? I don’t take corporate PAC money, so we need as many contributions as possible to counter the Republican attacks that will be coming our way.


If you've stored your info with ActBlue, we'll process your contribution instantly:


We can’t afford another term where the needs of working people are ignored. We can’t afford not to go all-in on Georgia when we have twice as much say on the Senate majority. Thank you for doing what you can to help us win.

Yours truly,






This message was sent to: [email protected].
Contributions or gifts to Teresa Tomlinson for Senate are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.
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