We've got a ton of volunteers to put to work, so here's a dog video.



LadyBird and Liberty Belle tried to mess up my fundraising ask, but we're almost at the end of our fundraising quarter!

I'm not asking for donations just to ask. Here's why this deadline is a big deal.


1) We have a TON of volunteers ready to get to work, and we have a bunch of new tools for them to use. We need to hire coordinators to put them to work now. We cannot afford to wait until 2024 to get started.


2) Liberty Belle is finding a lot of success engaging new voters. She has big plans for the campaign in the next few months, and she needs funds to make some special reservations. Stay tuned!


3) I need your name on our report. At the end of the quarter, we submit a fundraising report to the Missouri Ethics Commission. We had great momentum last quarter, but we're starting to fall behind. Look what we've done so far:

We even outraised a leading Republican for Secretary of State!


We have a BIG opportunity here for a few reasons:

Our Attorney General is bad at his job.

The Republican primary is going to badly damage whichever one wins.

We have an enormous volunteer base already.


When Democrats controlled every statewide office in the 70's, this was the first one Republicans flipped. We can flip it now too.


We can start Missouri's first Civil Rights Division in our state's history.

We can bring back the Conservation Division to protect our water, land, and air.

We can take on scammers and prevent violence in our neighborhoods.

We can end puppy mills and uphold all of the other votes we've made over the years that our legislature keeps overturning.


But I can't do it without you. I need your help, and I need it early. We cannot afford to wait.


I need you to make a donation and host an event for us. Can you help?

Thank you so much for your support. I'll see you out there!